
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

PF should put food on people's tables, says Mulongoti

PF should put food on people's tables, says Mulongoti
By Kombe Chimpinde
Wed 04 Apr. 2012, 12:57 CAT

THE PF must not pre-occupy itself with political ideologies but strive to put food on people's tables, says Mike Mulongoti.

Commenting on the PF's decision to apply for membership to the Socialist International Organisation, Mulongoti, the former minister of works and supply, said Zambians were not keen on issues of political ideology but with inclusive policies that would advance national development.

"Over the years, Zambians have not been laid by ideological differences and I think that has not been a factor, any political observer on our landscape cannot claim that…Our position has been that political parties must articulate policies of course other parties with emphasis on agriculture or other areas and so forth...," Mulongoti said.

"My view is that our concentration must be to put food on the table of people."

He, however, said inclination to certain political ideologies was welcome if it helped move the country's national agenda forward.
"So those who want to be with ideologies, they are free to do it but my worry is that we should pre-occupy ourselves with putting food on our tables.

[It wasn't during the 2 decades that you were in power. During the MMD's rule, the only priority was stealing from the state, selling off Zambia's future for cents on the dollar, and telling everyone who with good ideas to 'go away', 'start your own party', 'you're just jealous of us', 'we have a mandate, now go away for the next 5 years'. That, with a very short and reversed reprieve during President Mwanawasa's term in office, is the legacy of the MMD in power. - MrK]

Whether that ideology is capitalist, socialist or communist, what is important is that if we make a commitment to uplift the lives of people, it is important that that agenda is articulated. I do not know why PF has applied because I don't know unde what circumstance that has prompted that, as far as I am concerned, the agenda must be putting food on the tables of Zambians."

Mulongoti said the big issue confronting Zambia was how to uplift the lives of Zambians.

"If there is need now for people to align themselves officially in that way, the challenge is for them to tell the Zambians why they feel that way because I don't think when you go to campaigns to push an agenda, and later when elected, mid-way you change and say 'now this or that'," he said.

Mulongoti said Zambians voted for the party that had a nationalist agenda and commitment to uplift their lives.

"I believe Zambia must develop, and that can only be done if policies can enhance development," said Mulongoti.

The Socialist International Organisation, made up of political parties that have a socialist inclination, is scrutinising the PF's application for membership to the institution.

Its current membership stands at 162, of which 50 are governing political parties.

According to secretary general of the organisation Luis Ayala who was in the country as part of the scrutinising process of the application, the PF's application is expected to be confirmed at this year's congress, which will take place in Africa for the first time on August 30, after scrutiny of the organisation's ethics committee.

And Vice-President Dr Guy Scott said the organisation would create a platform for the party to share experiences of other member states on various common challenges faced by people worldwide today.

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