
Friday, April 20, 2012

Sata will never interfere in Judiciary - Mangani

Sata will never interfere in Judiciary - Mangani
By Christopher Miti in Chipata and Fredrick Mwansa in Itezhi-te
Thu 19 Apr. 2012, 12:59 CAT

LAMECK Mangani says President Michael Sata will never interfere with the Judiciary. Mangani, who received a thunderous welcome to Chipata district following the nullification of the Chipata Central seat after he challenged the election of MMD's Reuben Mtolo Phiri, said going by the outcome of many electoral petitions, President Sata does not interfere with the Judiciary.

"Out of many seats that have gone through the court process, there were almost 40 and less than 10 have been in our favour as a ruling party.

And everybody who thinks that there was unfairness in the nullification of the Chipata Central seat then it's something else. What of these other seats, including that of our provincial chairman (Lucas Phiri whose petition was dismissed)? Despite providing all sorts of evidence, it didn't go through so this shows that the PF doesn't want to interfere with the judicial process," Mangani said.

He said people's celebrations over the nullification of the Chipata Central seat could not be taken in a different way.

"Nine months ago when I resigned from the MMD, I came in a similar manner and you could see that I was always checking my back on what would happen to me next. I want to thank all the people, all the witnesses," Mangani said.

He said he would have special programmes on Breeze FM to explain to the people in the province why it was important for them to work with the government.

"We (Easterners) cannot afford to continue to be in the opposition. We provided opposition from 1991 but I feel we need to be within the inner circle of government. The President had been very supportive to all of us the candidates that stood because he thought there was unfairness in last year's elections but he has not taken a biased move of wanting to influence the judiciary. The Judiciary has performed on its own," he said.

Mangani said if Phiri wants to appeal against the high court ruling, it was his right.

"As far as we are concerned, this seat as per high court ruling has been nullified so if they want to go to court, it is their constitutional right and we have no power," Mangani said.

Several people, including several MMD cadres, were part of the crowd that gathered at Chipata Airport to welcome Mangani.

Mangani's motorcade caused traffic jam in the central business district as it made its way to his residence in Moth area.

Traffic officers from Chipata central police station controlled traffic from the airport up to Mangani's residence.

Meanwhile, PF Eastern Province chairperson Lucas Phiri says the party will appeal against the dismissal of the Chipangali and Petauke election petitions by the High Court.

Phiri, who arrived at the same time as Mangani, said the lawyers were already looking into the process of appealing against the High Court judgment on their election petitions for Chipangali and Petauke.

He said the people who petitioned the elections had gone through thick and thin and that some even failed to take their children to school.

Phiri said it was not easy to sponsor witnesses.

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