
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Vendors have taken government ‘kindness' too far, says Col Chanda

Vendors have taken government ‘kindness' too far, says Col Chanda
By Allan Mulenga
Sun 22 Apr. 2012, 13:29 CAT

STREET vendors have taken the kindness of the government too far, says Lusaka Province minister Colonel Gerry Chanda. In an interview, Col Chanda observed that there was no sanity in the manner traders were selling their goods.

"There is no sanity, you can see for yourself. It is not for me to say even you can see it for yourself. I mean it is just that we are human and we want to take humanitarian approach to this problem. We allowed it to get to the this situation, we are part and parcel of the problem. In terms, of sanity they have taken advantage of the kindness that the government has provided. I think they have taken it too far," he said.

Col Chanda, who is also Kanyama PF member of parliament, said the government was working out plans to curb street vending.

"We have identified places in Lusaka one of the places is the infamous Don't Kubeba market. I have written to the Lusaka City Council to convene a meeting as soon as possible and also bring on board the vendors themselves, so that we can discuss with them how best we can help them. We have a few solutions which we may float but in the final analysis, we would like to come to an agreement that is acceptable from both sides - from their sides and from our sides. One of the point for example which we will drive home is that I don't think it is ideal to trade at an open place where there is no water; no toilets," he said.

Col Chanda said the government was trying to find ways of relocating vendors to the markets.

"You also know that we have markets which have been abandoned; which are empty. If we can relocate some of our people back into markets and thereafter let the government stiffen up the law on street vending…when people are found on the streets, they will be fined because by that time they would have been given the areas of trading," said Col Chanda.

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