
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Zulu defends radar inquiry findings

Zulu defends radar inquiry findings
By Kombe Chimpinde
Fri 20 Apr. 2012, 11:59 CAT

MINISTER of Justice Sebastian Zulu says he was ‘walking a tightrope' when President Michael Sata rubbished his report because he could not defend it as the matter was in court.

Recently, President Sata said the Sebastian Zulu-led commission of inquiry report on radar contracts for three international airports was useless and wondered if the Minister of Justice was trying to protect Dora Siliya. In an interview, Zulu who chaired the commission of inquiry on radar contracts for the airports, said the findings by his commission were justified.

He however said that he could not defend it as it had coincided with the time of Siliya's arrest and appearance before the magistrates' court regarding the same matter and commenting on it would have made it prejudicial before the courts of law.

"Our findings as far as I am concerned were justified. I could not comment on the findings of the report because that matter is in court. It was on the basis of some of those findings that Dora was arrested. So I was walking a tightrope," he said.

"See what I mean? The matter was in court so I couldn't comment on the findings of the report because the matter is in court."

Zulu said that he was also awaiting an appointment to be fixed in which he would present the report on the Inquiry on NAPSA regarding the Meanwood project and ZNBS property development, which the President deferred following his (Zulu) decision to delegate the function because he was reportedly out of the country.

"They will give me a date. They have not given me a date on which to present," said Zulu.

On the Zanaco inquiry which Zulu chaired, Zulu said that the findings had been closed and that he had been waiting to be given time to present it.

Earlier, Zulu said a team of experts comprising all stakeholders to draw up specifications in order to identify the requirement for a new and modern air traffic management system, which would include the radar, should also be set up.

And Zulu clarified that there was a circular released recently to all government departments regarding some changes in State House and government function protocol at which the PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba has been included in the top three but that he was not the spokesperson to divulge the details of the circular.

Responding to journalists who wanted to know if those changes had any attachment to the Cabinet arrangement, Zulu said, "The circular is merely talking about who comes first second and so forth. All I can confirm is there is a circular. But the protocol must not be confused with Cabinet."

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