
Friday, May 25, 2012

Democracy can only thrive where there's zero tolerance to corruption, says Sata

Democracy can only thrive where there's zero tolerance to corruption, says Sata
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Fri 25 May 2012, 13:30 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says democracy can only thrive in an environment where there is zero tolerance to corruption. President Sata said corruption was a cancer that robbed countries and citizens of their dreams and resources.

As part of this year's Africa Freedom Day celebrations, President Sata ordered the release of 2,314 prisoners countrywide.

"In strengthening democratic principles, my administration is also alive to the fact that democratisation goes hand in hand with zero-tolerance for corruption in all its manifestations," President Sata said in his message to the nation on the eve of Africa Freedom Day.

"Where corruption is rife, people are denied their right to receive education, health care, clean water and proper sanitation as well as business opportunities. To this end, I re-affirm the commitment of the Patriotic Front government to the continued fight against corruption, with vigour and total determination."

President Sata praised Zambians for last year's successful transfer of as the move had helped to inspire other African countries.

"One of the positive aspects of our continent is the desire to broaden and deepen democratic rule," President Sata said.

"No part of the continent is now immune from calls for democratisation. Last year, Zambia demonstrated to the rest of the world that a peaceful transfer of power was possible in a democratic election when the PF defeated the MMD and this has allowed the Zambian people to be governed by a party of their choice."

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