
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Justice Sakala must go, demands kazabu

Justice Sakala must go, demands kazabu
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Sun 20 May 2012, 13:40 CAT

CHIEF Justice Ernest Sakala will not only be saving the image of the Judiciary by resigning but also his own integrity which has been called into question, says PF Nkana Constituency member of parliament Luxon Kazabu. Kazabu said reforming the Judiciary had become very urgent. Kazabu said judicial reforms should start with the removal of justice Sakala.

"In any cilivised society, when a person heads an institution whose standing and integrity comes into question, the honourable thing to do is step aside to preserve your own integrity and to protect the image of the institution," Kazabu said.

"On that basis, my own view is that it is for the good of the Chief Justice to reflect on what has gone on concerning in the institution that he heads, not just because of the current issue, but the questions that have been raised in the past regarding the performance of the Judiciary in general."
Kazabu said time had come for our institutions of governance to observe moral standards and indeed values.

"You head an institution and people raise questions regarding the functioning of an institution, purely on that value, on that moral, you should be able to say, 'I think I have a reputation to protect. So, I am stepping aside'," he said. " 'I am also doing it so that the image and integrity of the institution is protected'. That is how I expect us as Zambians who are privileged to hold such key positions to behave. To bury your head in the sand and pretend that all is well is not correct."

Kazabu said there was also need to reform the Judicial Service Commission to make it more responsive to public good and an effective watchdog on the Judiciary.

"The Judicial Service Commission comprises among other commissioners the Chief Justice himself as the head and I don't think with that kind of arrangement, the Judicial Service Commission can play its oversight role effectively," Kazabu said. "It's like you ask a fish to empty its own pond.

It can't because if the bond becomes empty, it will die. The reforms in the Judiciary have become very urgent which will include among things having an autonomous Judicial Service Commission so that the commission can play its oversight role effectively. But at the moment, the Chief Justice is a member, supposing he is the one people are asking questions about? How do you expect him to cleanse the institution he is heading?"

Kazabu also praised President Michael Sata for keeping justice Sakala who had shown open despise for the Republican President after refusing to shake hands with him when he was in opposition.

Kazabu said he could not rule out the possibility of the previous hostile attitude of justice Sakala towards President Sata reflecting in the current relationship between the Executive and the Judiciary.

"Despite that incident which most of us saw, he has kept the Chief Justice," said Kazabu. "Most of the leaders, the Chief Justice would have been among the very first casualties. So, it is encouraging that the President could be above board notwithstanding that which could have happened in the past. I think that is one thing personally I give the current President high marks."

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