
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) Former Energy Minister Kenneth Konga collapses during interrogation by joint investigative wings

Former Energy Minister Kenneth Konga collapses during interrogation by joint investigative wings
TIME PUBLISHED - Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 3:28 pm

Former Energy Minister Kenneth Konga this morning collapsed as he was being interrogated by the joint investigative wings in Lusaka. MMD President Nevers Mumba has confirmed this to ZNBC News. Dr. Mumba said that Mr. Konga was rushed to Saint Johns hospital but has since been moved to the University Teaching Hospital.

Last year, Mr Konga was summoned by the Zambia police at the former Task Force offices and the police seized his vehicle following a nine hours search conducted at his Kabulonga residence.

A combined team of investigators from the Zambia Police, Anti Corruption Commission and Drug Enforcement Commission also seized two motorcycles from the former minister’s residence. Later on in parliament, Mr Konga, said that the Hummer police seized from his Kabulonga residence was acquired using the money Members of Parliament get from Parliament for car loans.

Mr Konga revealed this when he asked vice president Guy Scott to tell the house whether the money the National Assembly gives MPs for car loans is stolen money for Police to seize his vehicle.

Police spokesperson Elizabeth Kanjela later announced that Mr Konga had been cautioned in relation to abuse of authority contrary to Section 99 Sub-Section 1 of the laws of Zambia.

Early this month, Mr Konga opened a Hotel in Lusaka built at a cost of K4.5 billion. The 40-room Diamondacres Hotel on Dedan Kemathi Road overlooking the Kafue Road Fly-over Bridge, has created 25 direct jobs, according to Mr Konga.

Mr Konga, who is Chavuma Member of Parliament, said that the hotel was going to help the country provide hospitality services to tourists and accommodate business persons from other countries. He said the aim of building the hotel was to contribute to the creation of jobs for Zambians and to offer good services to the public.

“We spent about K4.5 billion to put up this hotel and so far it has created 25 direct jobs for Zambians and we are hoping we can create 10 more jobs to make it 35.

“People who will be coming to Zambia from different parts of the world are welcome and can lodge with us because this is a top-class hotel with quality services for all,” he said.

He said out of the 40 rooms, 36 were executive, two single and two double rooms while the hotel included other facilities like a conference room, a bar and a restaurant. Mr Konga called for more investment in the hospitality industry if Zambia was to attract more tourists and business travellers.


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