
Saturday, May 12, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) Opposition should seek other avenues for resolving internal matters instead of courting ‘foreigners’-Roy Mwaba

Opposition should seek other avenues for resolving internal matters instead of courting ‘foreigners’-Roy Mwaba
TIME PUBLISHED - Friday, May 11, 2012, 8:18 pm

THE Zambian Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) general secretary Roy Mwaba has now changed allegiance from the MMD to the party in government when he decided to antagonize the union’s leadership by questioning why it was necessary to meet opposition political party leaders over their stance to oppose President Sata’s suspending Judges.

Mr Mwaba, who was supportive of MMD programmes and activities prior to the September 20 general elections, shocked many people at a press briefing in Lusaka when he asked why opposition political party leaders were courting the diplomatic community on internal matters which Zambians had the capacity to resolve.

Mr Mwaba said if the opposition were aggrieved on the suspension of judges, they should seek other avenues of resolving internal matters instead of courting ‘foreigners’.

“There are a number of avenues that the opposition can follow if there is any issue that they feel should be addressed. For example the opposition leaders have Members of Parliament (MPs) who can raise an issue in parliament or they can call for an interparty dialogue where issues can be discussed.

“So there are avenues through which internal matters can be resolved. So as a labour movement we are wondering why the opposition is running to seek foreign intervention when there are avenues,” he said.

Mr Mwaba advised foreign missions not to interfere with the country’s internal matters as Zambian’s had the capacity to solve their internal issues.

He said Zambia was a sovereign state which was capable of resolving its internal issues.

Mwaba said opposition party leaders should stop wasting time of the labour movement and they next time they wished to meet with the ZCTU on any matter, they should make a formal application instead of the impromptu approach taken this time.

Mwaba said the opposition political party leaders had besieged the ZCTU headquarters, which are located next to the office for the taskforce on corruption headquarters in Lusaka’s Porsche Woodlands suburbs to seek audience with the labour movement over the suspension of three judges. He said nothing tangible was discussed in the meeting.

“There was nothing that was resolved in the so called meeting and there are minutes to that effect and this will be availed to the board. But advise the opposition that next time they wish to meet us they should follow procedure,” he said.

Mwaba emphasized that the ZCTU would only issues a statement on the suspended judges after gathering adequate information because the Congress did not want to speculate on the case.

He also took time to comment on the Barosteland turbulence saying the labour movement was shocked as to why some stakeholders were making unwarranted comments on the matter when President Michael Sata had not made any official position following the Roger Chongwe Commission of inquiry whose report was tossed out by the President upon its submission at State House.

He said ZCTU always advocated for a united Zambia and that all and its affiliates would always stand to defend the position of the mother body.

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