
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Milupi calls for principled opposition

Milupi calls for principled opposition
By Selina Nyirenda
Tue 29 May 2012, 13:29 CAT

ALLIANCE for Democracy and Development president Charles Milupi says there is need for a strong opposition that should be formed on the basis of principles. And MMD Mwandi member of parliament Michael Kaingu says it is important for MMD members to adhere to ethics.

Milupi, in an interview yesterday, said that the opposition should rally around policies that could benefit the people and not work based on political expedience.

"Today more than ever before, there is need to ensure that there is a stronger opposition that would counter the autocratic and dictatorial tendencies of the PF government. So it is really up to the opposition to come together but on the basis of principles. It's not a question of saying if I get that one then I will have more powers, no; we should identify things that can bring us together and work on those for the benefit of the people," he said.

Milupi said Zambians would be looking up to the opposition to provide checks and balances to ensure that the country did not slide into dictatorial rule.

"I am not saying that they should make a pact or anything but they should defend the democratic principles which govern this country. It should be on a case by case basis," he said.

And Kaingu said although a corruption tag was placed on MMD, there were other members of the party who were clean.

"It's like a family, there are good people and bad people; but that does not mean that everyone in the family is a bad person and MMD is like a family, so some of us are caught up in the web, unfortunately. But I'm not going to apologise for those who have been visited by the law. If PF thinks there are thieves in our party, it's up to them to catch the thieves. But it is very important to operate on good ethics, although some ethics are taught and others are inborn," he said.

Milupi advised the PF government to recognise the voices of the people because they put them in power.

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