
Thursday, May 31, 2012

MMD needs new members - Siliya

MMD needs new members - Siliya
By Roy Habaalu
Thu 31 May 2012, 13:24 CAT

DORA Siliya says MMD will die if it concentrates on its old members. She said the party had respect for its founding members but insisted that it needed new membership to grow. Siliya further said all members were equal regardless of the number of years they served in the party.

"There are only blue members of MMD, whether you joined 20 years ago, whether you joined five years ago; what we want is an MMD that continues to invite membership. If we continue to concentrate only on MMD members or those who joined 20, ten years ago, the party will die," she said during a briefing in Lusaka yesterday.

Siliya said those that joined the party recently should feel that they were bonafide members.

"The only requirement to stand in the party is that you must have served the party for only three years, not 20 years and once you go through that threshold, you are as good a member of MMD as anybody else. There are no other names by which you will be known, not die hard, not true blue, just a blue member of MMD because everybody is dying hard for this party, everybody is a true blue of this party," she said.

On calls by some MMD founding members to remove some National Executive Committee (NEC) members facing corruption charges, Siliya said every citizen was innocent until proven guilty.

She said the MMD under the new leadership of Pastor Nevers Mumba would not bend the law because the party was a champion of democracy.

The MMD yesterday held its first national executive committee meeting under the leadership of Pastor Mumba.

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