
Saturday, May 26, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE, THE SUN) British war crimes cops probe Mugabe

COMMENT - From Rupert Murdoch's UK tabloid, The Sun.

British war crimes cops probe Mugabe
26/05/2012 00:00:00
by Sports Reporter

BRITISH war crimes detectives are building a case against President Robert Mugabe and his henchmen who are accused of crimes against humanity, a British newspaper reported on Saturday.

Scotland Yard’s SO15 War Crimes Team will interview Phillip Machemedze – a former Central Intelligence Organisation torturer – in Bristol next week.

The Sun newspaper says detectives believe “his information could be crucial in finally nailing Mugabe”, who stands accused of carrying out mass murder during his uninterrupted 32-year rule.

The move comes after ex-Liberian President Charles Taylor, 64, was convicted at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for murder, rape and using child soldiers.

The Sun says Scotland Yard confirmed it was investigating human rights abuses in Zimbabwe – targeting Mugabe’s brutal enforcers and those who funded them.

A Zimbabwean business tycoon who fled Zimbabwe after falling out with Mugabe and settled in London is also in the frame – allegedly for funding terror squads, New understands.

Machemedze claimed asylum in Britain and was allowed to stay after admitting killing opposition supporters slowly by hacking off their limbs and pulling out their teeth with pliers. He had “enjoyed” torturing victims, he told an asylum judge.

Scotland Yard detectives will offer him immunity in exchange for information which will be shared with ICC prosecutors who are prepared to charge Mugabe, his army generals and their funders for rights abuses.

A source said: "The international community is fearful of a relapse into blood-letting when Mugabe calls new elections. But this time they will be ready with a damning dossier of past abuses and they will not hesitate to winch out Mugabe and those who kill in his name for trial at the Hague."

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