
Saturday, May 26, 2012

(NYSATIMES MW) Three arrested for swindling Aids Commission

COMMENT - Of course this is micro to the macro - most of AID$ is a swindle and a boondoggle.

Three arrested for swindling Aids Commission
By Nyasa Times Reporter
May 25, 2012

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) said it has arrested three people who are suspected for swindling National Aids Commission (NAC) funds amounting to K3, 487, 350 meant for training of care givers.

Spokesman of ACB, Egrita Ndala, said officers of the anti-graft bureau arrested on Wednesday Collins Msyamboza, Harry Gondwe and Lawrence Nkombedzi .

She explained that whistle-blowers in September, 2008, complained that that Nkombedzi, and Mrs. Mchombo who work as Accounts Clerk and District Aids Coordinator, respectively, for Zomba City Council misappropriated NAC funds which were meant for other duties.

Ndala said after investigations into the matter, Mrs. Mchombo was cleared as she was not directly involved.

But Msyamboza, District Social Welfare Office, Gondwe who is Assistant District Social Welfare Officer and Nkombedzi misappropriated the funds.

ACB spokesperson said Msyamboza has been charged with one count of possession of unexplained property contrary to Section (32) of the Corrupt Practices Act and one count of theft by a person employed in the public service.

“Other charges include one for forgery and one charge of procuring others to commit forgery contrary to sections (283) (1), 354, and 351of the Penal Code respectively.”

Gondwe has been charged with one count of giving false information to the ACB Officers contrary to 14 1(a) of the Corrupt Practices Act and one count of theft by a person employed in the public service contrary to section 283 (1) of the Penal Code.

Nkombedzi has been charged with one count of possession of unexplained property contrary to section 32 (2) of the Corrupt Practices Act and one count of theft by a person employed in the public service.

“ Nkombedzi has also been charged with one count each of forgery, procuring others to commit forgery and uttering a false document contrary to sections 283 (1), 354, 351 and 360 of the Penal Code respectively,” Ndala sad.

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