
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Old party members have auctioned MMD - Kabimba

Old party members have auctioned MMD - Kabimba
By Kombe Chimpinde
Sun 27 May 2012, 13:29 CAT

THE old members of MMD have auctioned the party by handing it over to Pastor Nevers Mumba, says Wynter Kabima. Commenting on the election of Pastor Mumba as MMD's new president, Kabimba, the PF secretary general said in an interview there was no way MMD would win an election under Pastor Mumba.

"The election of a party president is a national issue but what has shocked me is to actually see the MMD old members auction the party or allow the MMD to be hijacked by an outsider," Kabimba said.

"If they ever think that Nevers is going to turn MMD around, they should just look at his record. He (Pastor Mumba) had the National Citizen Coalition or whatever you call it which he lamentably failed to organise."

Kabimba recalled that at the time Mumba was co-opted into the MMD by late Levy Mwanawasa, then president of the party, Pastor Mumba's political party had never won any elections.

"He did not even have a councillor anywhere, not even in Kitwe where he came from, so if they are any skills that those that voted for him see in him, they just have to wait. They will come to realise that they have put the last nail in the MMD as a political party in Zambia," he warned.

"It will go the same way that UNIP has gone, there is no way MMD under Nevers is going to win an election."

Kabimba added that Pastor Mumba's political life lacked credibility and skill.

"He is a good orator but to win an election you need more than oratory. If Nevers is a positive asset, let them field candidates in the three constituencies that are coming in Livingstone, in Muchinga and in Chama North.

Let's see how many seats they are going to get from these coming by-elections.

It will give them an indicator of the poison that they have put in the MMD by electing Nevers. They will come to regret their action," said Kabimba.

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