
Thursday, May 31, 2012

PF forms investment committee

PF forms investment committee
By Moses Kuwema
Wed 30 May 2012, 13:28 CAT

PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba says the party has formed an investment committee to look at areas of investment as a way of being self-reliant.

In an interview, Kabimba said the party would not intimidate or extort money from anybody but will be willing to receive money from genuine business people who would want to contribute voluntarily.

"We are not going to extort money from anybody, we shall not intimidate anybody in order for them to contribute money to the Patriotic Front because we know the consequences. The consequences are that once we get out of power, they will desert us. But if we build genuine friends, even when we get out of power, they will still remain our friends. They will help to reconstruct the organisation until the party gets back into power again," Kabimba said.

He said the party was also incorporating its own limited liability company, which would engage in business by partnering with foreign investors and eventually share the profits.

He said they would apply for tenders to the government for the delivery goods and services and get paid genuinely.

"We don't want to steal money from government. We shall compete with everybody else in the tender process and get paid and invest that money in other areas. You can see a totally different culture and approach between a leadership that did not have a vision in MMD and the leadership that has a vision in PF," he said.

Kabimba observed that the MMD did not have genuine friends while in power but only had people that were "sucking" from them through the culture of corruption.

He said both the politicians and business people that were supporting the MMD were corrupt.

"They were all involved in what we call illegal contracts. Obviously, when they are out of power now, those guys have to desert them," he said.

Kabimba said it was for this reason that the MMD thought they would remain in power for as long as they had money.

"The MMD never bothered to build an institution that could outlive the leaders in the MMD. All of them were busy lining up their pockets and what they also failed to do was to turn that organisation into an institution where they would start investing as a political party," said Kabimba.

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