
Monday, May 21, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) Torture, violence claims 'all lies': Chinamasa

COMMENT - Remember Givemore Gift Nhidza? Apparently he was tortured to death, with some very gruesome details of his torture being included. (SW Radio Africa: Tortured MDC activist dies from injuries, By Lance Guma, 10 November 2009; Tortured MDC activist dies from injuries, Written by Jelena, Thursday, 19 November 2009) Then, he's back, and turns up alive and well in South Africa. (SLATE) How South Africa became the world's No. 1 asylum destination, By Maura R. O'Connor|Posted Friday, Aug. 27, 2010, at 12:55 PM, JOHANNESBURG, South Africa. (Also, of course, the '3 million Zimbabweans in South Africa' claim in the last article is completely unfounded and based on journalists' speculation. Read: Special Report: Fact or Fiction? Examining Zimbabwean Cross-Border Migration into South Africa, Witwatersrand's Forced Migration Studies Programme & Musina Legal Advice Office).

So there is precedent of the MDC using murder and torture claims for political gain. They are a propaganda outfit, and have among their ranks members of the rhodesian special forces, who even 30 years ago did their best to propagandize and manipulate the media.

Torture, violence claims 'all lies': Chinamasa
21/05/2012 00:00:00
by AFP

JUSTICE Minister Patrick Chinamasa said Monday that reports of torture and violence against political activists were "lies", during a visit by UN rights chief Navi Pillay.

"There is no state-sponsored violence, these are all lies. We told her that there are no torture chambers in Zimbabwe," Patrick Chinamasa said after an hour-long meeting with the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights.

A South African court on May 8 ordered prosecutors in Pretoria to probe Zimbabwean officials accused of torturing opposition supporters five years ago, citing South Africa's obligations to the International Criminal Court.

The landmark judgment meant that the authorities can investigate and prosecute high-level crimes committed not only in neighbouring Zimbabwe but anywhere else in the world.

"We need to investigate some of these (torture) reports so that we find out if the person was involved in a personal accident, as they can claim that they are torture wounds," Chinamasa said.

"All that has been written (does) not contain details of who was tortured, where were they tortured. We just see reports in the media. We want to know where did it happen, so that police can investigate."

Pillay said she would only comment on her talks at the end of her trip Friday.

Chinamasa said his meeting with Pillay was cordial, but reiterated Zimbabwe's insistance on outlawing "homosexual activities".

Pillay, who is on a five-day visit to Zimbabwe, is expected to meet President Robert Mugabe later in the week.

The 88-year-old president has ruled since independence from Britain in 1980 but following deadly violence around failed elections in 2008, he was forced into a power-sharing government with rival Morgan Tsvangirai, who is now prime minister.

[Whatever. - MrK]

Despite the unity government, rights activists are frequently arrested or harassed in the course of their work.


  1. Gift Nhidza is now the 'Coordinator at Refugees Council Johannesburg Area, South Africa', according to his LinkedIn page:

    Apparently they don't have a problem with a lack of ethics or lying and deception.

  2. Brazen. H. Taru @brazen_h:

    "'The Abductions' are back with Peter Magombeyi having been abducted yesterday. We are told that they are being done by vehicles without number plates but the alleged target, MDC has a fleet of vehicles without plates, this was @nelsonchamisa & team arriving kuBlue roof kundobata"

  3. Another fake abduction - this time 25-yo Dr. Peter Magombeyi.

    Both articles saved to the Web Archive.


    FRESH details have emerged over the so-called ‘abduction’ of Dr Peter Magombeyi.

    The 25-year-old Dr Magombeyi, who is also acting president of Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors’ Association (ZHDA), was allegedly ‘abducted’ at his home in Budiriro on September 14 2019.

    And five days later, Dr Magombeyi surfaced in Nyabira, a few kilometres from the American Embassy.

    A source who has close links to the MDC Alliance revealed that in those five days, Dr Magombeyi was housed at Number 64 Palmer Road in Milton Park.

    The property is a lodge, Saita Safaris, and reportedly owned by MDC Alliance vice-president Tendai Biti.

    “Dr Magombeyi was at 64 Palmer Road in Milton Park, nzvimbo iyoyo ilodge asi irikushandiswa sesafe house, chero Jacob Mafume naObey Sithole vanotogara ipapo (the place is a lodge which has been turned into a safe house for MDC activists including Jacob Mafume and Obey Sithole,” said the source who preferred to remain anonymous for fear of victimisation.

    According to the source, Dr Magombeyi was taken by Vanguard leader Shakespear Mukoyi and one Bunjira.

    When The Patriot visited the lodge, the gate was locked.

  5. Continued:

    "Vanguard behind the abductions?

    Leaked MDC standing committee minutes revealed that MDC Alliance is reportedly militarily training its youth.

    MDC standing committee is the party’s highest decision making body.

    The meeting was held on September 18 2018 from 10hr to 13:45hr.

    The party’s treasurer-general, David Coltart, was recorded at the meeting calling on the party to make their youths ‘more militant’.

    And it is our understanding that there is a team of MDC Alliance youths scheduled to receive military training in Mozambique nex week.

    There are reports that the MDC Alliance recently bought 47 unlicensed guns; FA and pistol type.

    The MDC Vanguard has a history of violence.

    Sometime in 2002, the MDC formed what they called the Democratic Resistance Committee (DRC), a group that was being trained militarily to cause mayhem on innocent people in the name of ‘regime change’.

    White farmers then shared spaces on their farms to train these youths and this training was being allegedly led by the late Roy Bennett (late ex-MP).

    The DRC morphed into the Vanguard.

    Anyone who underestimated the nature of the militancy of the MDC did so at his/her own peril.

    And Vangaurd is led by Mukoyi, the same person who is said to have ‘abducted’ Dr Magombeyi.

    Who is Shakespear Mukoyi?

    Mukoyi is an MDC Alliance member and leader of the MDC Alliance’s militia known as the Vanguard.

    For long, MDC Alliance would deny the existence of Vanguard until last year in May when Mukoyi let the cat out of the bag.

    The youth militia is known for ‘carrying an AK 47 and threatening to kill his rivals with it’. Running to the 2018 primary elections in the MDC Alliance, Mukoyi threatened to ‘kill Hwende’ if he (Mukoyi) was not elected House of Assembly Member for Kuwadzana East.

    Charlton Hwende was running for the same seat.

    Hwende took to facebook to raise alarm after being threatened with death by Mukoyi.

    “I received disturbing news that my opponent was moving around with a gun threatening to shoot me. I am mentioning it here so that if anything happens to me people will know what happened to me,” he wrote.

    Mukoyi claimed the constituency had apparently been given to him by the party’s presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa, as a ‘token of appreciation’ after he helped him ascend to the party’s presidency."

  6. COMMENT - The MDC's fake abductions playbook (repeated in Venezuela and Bolivia today) continues:

    (THE PATRIOT ZW) Chamisa’s attention-seeking dramas…as he fakes abductions, assassinations

    THIS past week we were once again regaled by the drama theatrics of the MDC Alliance, as Nelson Chamisa and company produced yet another shocking, poorly done blockbuster movie – The Assassination Attempt.

    It can be recalled that about a year ago, (November 2018) Chamisa and his band of hangers-on tried and dismally failed to capture the country’s attention in yet another poorly done performance, ‘The Kidnaping Attempt’ in Marondera.

    For those who might have forgotten about the fake kidnapping attempt that took place in Marondera, here is a brief.

    The main actor, Chamisa addressed a ‘thank you’ rally in Marondera, where in his speech he claimed state security agents had been following him around.

    On his way back from Marondera, Chamisa’s convoy was blocked somewhere in Ruwa/Mabvuku and ‘suspected security agents’ ‘seized’ him but his security team managed to retrieve him and take him to safety.

    As usual, the private media was on this story like a house on fire, all sorts of allegations being made and all based on this poorly stage-managed event, whose precursor had been the lie that Chamisa had fed his audience at the Marondera rally that the State was after him.



    "During the alleged abduction period of the ZHDA leader, Dr Peter Magombeyi, MDC-A senior members Douglas Coltart and Arnold Tsunga allegedly organised accommodation for him at the @usembassyharare in Westgate where he stayed for five days.

    2/2 “An instruction was given frm party to make noise abt this on social media & to tag all foreign adversaries. @DMagombeyi left the embassy on Sept19 with his cellphone well charged & a team from the embassy drove him and left him at Nyabira where he started calling his friends

  8. T @nicolehondo

    The crutches and bandages have suddenly disappeared and the MDC trio were spotted partying at a local hotel. They were never abducted or tortured and the injuries were fake.

    # AtrocityPropaganda


  9. "ZBC News SPECIAL tonight and on @classic263. Alleged abduction of @mdczimbabwe's Joana Mamombe, Netsai Marova and Cecelia Chimbiri. Exposing the malicious deception behind "an almost perfect hatchet job".

  10. 1/ Warrant of arrest for Mamombe

    MDC-Alliance Harare West Member of Parliament Joana Mamombe was today issued with a warrant of arrest after she failed to attend court for trial on allegations of faking their abductions.

    2/ Mamombe is being jointly charged with other MDC-Alliance members, Cecelia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova.
    Their lawyer Mr Alec Muchadehama told Harare magistrate Mrs Bianca Makwande that Mamombe failed to attend court, as she was admitted at a health centre in Harare.

    3/ Mr Muchadehama said Mamombe’s doctors told him that she was suffering from anxiety problems and could not attend court.

  11. MDC Fake Abductions


    Joana Mamombe squandering fake abduction fees

  12. (HERALD ZW) MDC-A, G40 clash over fake abductions
    Chalton Hwende
    Herald Reporter

    CLAIMS by the opposition MDC-Alliance that its members are routinely abducted by State agents have been exposed as nothing but sheer fabrications following the recent exoneration of a senior party official accused of being behind the alleged kidnapping of Tawanda Muchehiwa in Bulawayo last July.

    In revelations that have shocked the rank and file of the beleaguered opposition party, some senior MDC-A officials are pointing fingers at fellow members whom they accuse of working with the G40 faction to fabricate abduction tales.

    Journalist-cum-political activist with close links to the G40, Mduduzi Mathuthu, has come out guns blazing accusing the opposition party of protecting and exonerating Bulawayo women’s assembly chairperson Ms Tendai Masotsha in the abduction of Muchehiwa.

    In a rant posted on his Twitter handle, Mathuthu challenged the MDC-A leadership to come clean over the abduction of Muchehiwa.

    “Been through a hellish few months. MDC-Alliance SG Charlton Hwende has not helped the situation. He told the MDC standing committee last week, while defending Tendai Masotsha, that I’m pursuing a ‘G40 agenda’ against his party.

    “I pray the MDC has more sophisticated ways of addressing issues of this nature. It cannot be sufficient to dismiss victims as G40, while pursuing a shoddy investigation.

  13. "“I got frustrated writing this. My nephew is tortured near death, and Mr Hwende thinks I’m out to get his party. Was Masotsha working for the MDC-Alliance chief? I don’t recall your party claiming parentage of July 31. Why don’t you let her carry her own cross?” said Mathuthu on his Twitter account.

    In response through the same social media platform, Hwende, who is the opposition party’s secretary-general, denied shielding the women’s assembly chair saying his job was not to protect individuals but the party. He insisted that Mathuthu was working with the G40 faction to weaken the opposition party.

    “My job is not to defend individuals, but party positions. The report on the investigation of Masotsha was presented, debated and adopted by the party leadership,” Hwende said.

    Three opposition party officials namely MP Joana Mamombe and activists Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova are facing charges of faking abductions to besmirch the Second Republic.

    Apparently, the fake abduction of Mathuthu’s nephew was supposed to mirror the fake abduction of the trio in Bulawayo.

    In the heated exchange, an irate Mathuthu revealed that Hwende uses multiple fake accounts on social media platforms to push and sustain the anti-Zimbabwe agenda including attacking other senior members of the opposition party.

    “This one calling himself Gatsheni Gatsheni is Charlton Hwende. He has just labelled Job Sikhala, a senior member of his party, ‘G40’ and accused him of leaking their discussions — all for the preservation of Tendai Masotsha.

  14. “How do I know; you might ask? Well, Gatsheni always has documents he posts here when they are still hot. So I went into his inbox once to ask for a certain document, and provided my email. What happened next? Charlton Hwende dropped the documents on my WhatsApp,” said Mathuthu.

    Attempts by the MDC-A youth assembly chairperson Mr Obey Sithole to defend Mr Hwende came to naught as the majority of people who were following the heated exchange accused the MDC-A of faking abductions to gain political mileage.

    The exoneration of Ms Masotsha from any involvement in the staged abduction of Mucheiwa proved beyond doubt that the opposition party was attempting to hush down a sinister agenda.

    Ms Masotsha was said to have been in the company of Mucheiwa who was allegedly abducted in July. A journalism student, Mucheiwa was assisting Masotsha in mobilising people for the failed July 31 protests when he was allegedly abducted.

    After being released from the faked abduction, Mucheiwa accused Ms Masotsha of being involved in the whole fiasco. The allegations by Mucheiwa prompted the MDC-A to set up an investigation committee and suspended Ms Masotsha who has since been found innocent of any wrongdoing."
