
Friday, May 18, 2012

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) PM splashes $40 000 on fiancee, flies off to US for bash

PM splashes $40 000 on fiancee, flies off to US for bash
Saturday, 12 May 2012 21:17
Itai Mazire

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai recently splashed an estimated US$40 000 on a kitchen suite makeover for his fiancee, Ms Elizabeth Macheka, before flying off to the United States, where he is reportedly spoiling his new-found love in belated birthday celebrations that have riled some of the top MDC-T leaders.

Reports say the US$40 000 makeover for the couple’s Borrowdale home was ordered by Ms Macheka, who is known to have an insatiable appetite for lavish spending.

Mr Tsvangirai and his fiancee got engaged about a fortnight ago and the speed with which the PM has been made to dip his hands into the pockets to spoil his wife-to-be has alarmed many in the Western-sponsored party.

Investigations carried out by The Sunday Mail show that Ms Macheka purchased the lucrative kitchen suite at Tusilago Kitchens, located along Seke Road in Harare, last

Monday. The exclusive suite, dubbed Memphis Cherry, was purchased for a whopping US$35 600 and it is one of the most expensive brands sold by Tusilago.

It comes with lots of extras which could easily push the total cost to US$40 000.
Sources said Ms Macheka used cash to buy the suite on Monday last week before it was installed at the couple’s house, at No. 150 Highgate, Borrowdale.

It is understood that Ms Macheka told the contractors in no uncertain terms that the installation of the kitchen unit should be complete before she returns from her “honeymoon” in the US.

Reports say Ms Macheka, who owns a boutique in the Avenues area, was visibly excited about her new acquisition and indicated that she would spend even more on her bedroom units upon her return from the US.

The PM’s spokesperson, Luke Tamborinyoka, confirmed last week that his boss had gone to the US on a private visit to complete his annual leave which he had cut short because of a mysterious leg injury.

While in the US, it is understood that the PM gave his fiancee an open cheque to spend as she pleases and this has not gone down well with some MDC-T leaders, both at home and in the Diaspora, who are accusing their leader of “living large” while the party is looking for funds in preparation for the impending elections.

A highly-placed MDC-T insider linked to Mr Tsvangirai’s increasingly divided kitchen cabinet said: “I have seen all sorts of reports claiming that he (Tsvangirai) is completing his annual leave and others claiming that he just escorted his recently wedded son and, yes, all that may be part of the deal, but what I know for a fact is that he is going to celebrate his birthday in New York. This is a belated birthday celebration which initially he wanted to have last month.

“While, of course, he is entitled to have his leave and celebrate his birthday wherever he wants and with whomever he wants, the idea has not gone down well in the party because it is now becoming clearer and clearer that the Prime Minister is losing the plot and becoming more and more interested in his own personal pleasure than in providing leadership at a time when everyone else is talking about the looming elections.

“Any national leader who goes on leave to celebrate a birthday overseas the week when schools reopen has a problem and is not serious at all.

“One day you hear that Tsvangirai has married Locadia, 12 days later you hear he has divorced her, the next day you hear he has engaged Elizabeth and before you figure out what’s going on you hear that he is off to America to enjoy his birthday with his new fiancee. How about party business, who is attending to it?”

Fugitive MDC-T treasurer-general, last week clearly showed that, as the man who scrounges around for the funds, he was fast getting fed up with Mr Tsvangirai when he wrote on his facebook wall accusing some MDC-T leaders of abandoning the people.
“Perhaps there are some at home who are trying to make themselves heroes and legends because they have something to hide? Some of those throwing stones at our

Diaspora are on the gravy train at home.

“Far from being heroes of the struggle, they are making love to Zanu-PF and living like kings. We are neither blind nor stupid,” charged Bennet in a statement that was subtly aimed at the PM whose fiancĂ©e is daughter to Mr Macheka, a known Zanu-PF member.

PM Tsvangirai’s love life reads like a soap opera. In 2009 he lost his wife Susan in a car accident and soon after was linked to several women who include Acquillina Pamberi, Arikana Chihombori, Lorreta Nyathi, Leah Mhundwa and an unnamed Norton woman amongst others. Last year in November 2011, he “married” Karimatsenga in a farcical union that lasted all of 11 days.

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