
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

(TALKZIMBABWE) No youth militias in Zimbabwe – MDC-T

No youth militias in Zimbabwe – MDC-T
This article was written by Our reporter on 16 May, at 01 : 11 AM

Members of Parliament from prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC-T party have reversed their claims that youth training centres are breeding grounds for Zanu-PF youth militia. The MDC-T party has in the past accused Zanu-PF of training militia in youth centres and using them to mete out violence on the opposition.

After nearly four years in an inclusive Government with Zanu-PF, the MDC-T party has now reversed its claims admitting that these youth centres are vocational training centres and that they are important for youth development.

The MDC-T legislators said the vocational training centres were noble, adding that there was a misconception by their party that vocational training centres were used as torture bases.

The MPs said this while contributing to a portfolio committee report on Women Affairs, Youth, Gender and Community Development, chaired by Sunningdale MP Margaret Matienga (MDC-T) on the challenges and constraints affecting operations of VTCs.

The MDC-T urged the Government to adequately resource the youth centres and increase their numbers to assist youths. The report stemmed from a tour of several centres by the committee.

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Nkulumane MP Mr Thamsanqa Mahlangu (pictured above) said from his experience as Deputy Minister of Youth Development, the current perception on the centres is misguided.

“There has been a perception from my party that these VTCs are used for violence. These VTCs are for the people of Zimbabwe and not for Zanu-PF or MDC-T,” said Mr Mahlangu.

Masvingo West MP Mr Tachiona Mharadza (MDC-T) said there was a perception that if a ministry was being headed by a Zanu-PF minister, programmes it undertook were for that party.

“We need to support that minister, irrespective of the party that he belongs to,” he said.

The committee also said the centres should not be used for political activities and campaigns by political parties during elections.

It was also recommended that the Public Service Commission should allow the Ministry of Youth to employ and fill the centres with substantive principals.

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