
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

UNZA lecturers end srike

UNZA lecturers end srike
By Allan Mulenga
Wed 02 May 2012, 09:10 CAT

UNZA lecturers and researchers have with immediate effect suspended their go-slow to allow management and the government to engage into a collective bargaining process. In an interview yesterday, University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers Union (UNZALARU) president Dr Euston Chiputa said union members had a meeting where they agreed to go back to work.

"We have actually suspended the go-slow to give the government and management enough time to negotiate meaningful salary increase which we will be agreed upon on Wednesday. Then Thursday, management should be able to consolidate and present it to the government," Dr Chiputa said.

He said the union was expectant that the government would approve the proposed salary adjustments that would be presented to them.

"We are expectant that by 14th May 2012, the government should be able to get back and say this is what has been approved from what will be proposed because it's the government which said ‘put down your proposals, consolidate them and submit them to the government'.

We are expectant that since it is the government which proposed the road map and what should be factored in, they will be able to provide the funding. We don't see why the government should not come round and meet the proposed increases because they will be in line with what the government has guided us," said Dr Chiputa.

Last Monday, UNZA lecturers and researchers resolved to go on a go-slow pressing the government to remove the four per cent salary negotiation ceiling for grant-aided institutions.

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