
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chiefs seek involvement in development of mines

Chiefs seek involvement in development of mines
By Gift Chanda in Kabwe
Wed 13 June 2012, 13:22 CAT

TRADITIONAL leaders are seeking full involvement in the development of the country's mining sector. The traditional leaders said this in Kabwe yesterday during the chiefs' indaba on enhancing transparency and accountability in natural resource management.

The traditional leaders raised concerns regarding the procedures in issuing licenses to mining investors and that they were not being consulted during the process. Chief Mumena of North Western Province observed that traditional leaders are not consulted or involved by the government before mining licenses are issued.

He said this situation was saddening because the traditional leaders who are left out in the first place are expected to find alternative land for people who end up being displaced by mining projects the government authorised without their involvement.

Chief Mumena said the mines and minerals Act of 2008 does not include the participation of chiefs in the mining sector development agenda.

He further raised concern at the rate mining licenses are issued to investors.

Chief Mumena noted with sadness that local communities are being displaced to pave way for mining at an alarming rate, adding that no proper compensation packages are being given.

"We don't want development to be at the expense of the people. We want development to benefit everyone and this can only be done if the people at the grassroot are involved," said chief Mumena.

And chief Sinazongwe of Sinazongwe district in Southern Province expressed concern that investors are more interested in making profits and not the welfare of the local communities.

Chief Sinazongwe claimed that the mining investors have no regard for traditional leaders.

Other chiefs present at the meeting included chief Chimese of Mwense in Luapula Province, senior chief Musele from Solwezi and chief Matebo from Solwezi district.

The traditional leaders' indaba comes a few days before Zambia hosts the International Mining and Energy Conference set for June 19-22.

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