Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Expose youths to more social, political challenges - Fr Chibuye

Expose youths to more social, political challenges - Fr Chibuye
By Ernest Chanda
Wed 20 June 2012, 13:24 CAT

FATHER Patrick Cibuye says society should expose the youth to more social and political challenges as a way of preparing them for leadership at both national and international level.

Commenting on PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba's lauding of China as a role model in leadership training, Fr Chibuye who is Mpika Catholic diocese director of Caritas said where there was no youth empowerment, there would be a serious gap in the leadership process.

"I find the comment by Wynter Kabimba very progressive on youth empowerment at national as well as international level. I think this is what the youth today are looking for. From the onset, they should be empowered with education which is relevant to their social and political environment," said Fr Chibuye.

"Education will help them assess the political and social environment. Where there is exposure, the youth will be able to understand trends in environments outside their own. It also helps them understand global issues, especially on how youths in other countries develop into good leaders. The youth are the future leaders; and if they are not prepared in terms of exposure to social challenges, it will be very difficult for them to be good leaders."

He said youths should not just be used in political fights, but be moulded into responsible citizens.

Fr Chibuye said civilised societies looked to the youth as a reservoir of continuous leadership.

Speaking at the opening of the China-Africa young leaders' forum in Beijing on Sunday, Kabimba said it was this development path which made China relevant to Africa today.

He said the world today possessed more challenges to the youth of China and Africa than it did to the outgoing generations of the two.

Kabimba said African youths should understand that the plight of the continent's social and economic underdevelopment was a political question, which called for their proactive action and active participation.

"The youth must realise without delay that their social and political consciousness is a catalyst and central to their self-identity. That social injustice is not natural but a designed phenomenon and an instrument of domination by the designer," said Kabimba.

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