Monday, June 25, 2012

(GLOBALRESEARCH) The Possibility of a US War with Iran is Escalating very Rapidly

The Possibility of a US War with Iran is Escalating very Rapidly
by Michael Carmichael
Global Research, June 22, 2012

An important message from Michael Carmichael:

Diplomatic negotiations in Moscow earlier this week failed to resolve the crisis, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has recently commented that Iran wants to entice an American attack in order to strengthen political support for their extremist theocracy. Talks will continue in Istanbul next month, but escalation now seems far more likely than resolution.

The Obama administration is under tremendous pressure from many ill-advised Democratic members of Congress to abandon diplomacy with Iran and follow a path that would make war inevitable in the near term - a policy that would wreck the US economy and precipitate a deep and disastrous global economic depression.

While much of the pressure is coming from warmongers like John Bolton (Ambassador to the United Nations under George W. Bush), who are working to undermine and sabotage diplomacy, it must be said that quite a few Democratic members of Congress support further diplomatic escalation and even another costly and counterproductive war.

Some of the leading Democratic hawks in the US Senate are named in my open letter to President Obama copied below in this email. The emergence of these Democratic pawns of the neocons represent a very dangerous threat to the Obama presidency - for they are mirroring the foreign policy of Mitt Romney.

Those of us who oppose another war need to speak out now to encourage President Obama to de-escalate the diplomatic situation with Iran.

The President needs to know that the American people support diplomacy and de-escalation -- not war.

I just signed the Credo petition telling President Obama that we support diplomacy with Iran, not another unnecessary and costly war.

One hundred and twenty-one thousand others have already signed this Credo petition.

I encourage you to consider signing the petition, too.

It's easy to do so. Just click on the link below.

You can add a personal message to the President along with your signature if you wish.
Michael Carmichael's Personal Message to President Obama

Dear Mr. President,

As a supporter of your's who met you casually on several occasions in 2007 and 2008 during your first campaign for the presidency, I am writing to urge you to ignore the pressure from the 44 Senators who recently signed an extremely ill-advised letter to you that suggested escalating diplomatic sanctions and threats of war against Iran - the latter of which are in direct violation of Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

These 44 Senators know not what they do. This group of diplomatic "know nothings" includes:

1. Ron Wyden,
2. Jeff Merkley,
3. Robert Menendez,
4. Charles Schumer,
5. Richard Blumenthal,
6. Joseph Lieberman,
7. Frank Lautenberg,
8. Kirsten Gillibrand,
9. Sherrod Brown,
10. Debbie Stabenow and
11. Amy Klobucher

Perhaps, unbeknownst to them they are parroting the avowed policies of Mitt Romney as clearly and precisely defined on his presidential campaign website.
This hawkish faction of Romneycrats in the Senate represents a clear and present danger to US national security, and you should never permit them to assert any influence whatsoever over any decision on foreign policy.

In fact, these Senators need to be briefed much more intensively on US foreign policy vis a vis Iran's nuclear development and America's sovereign interests.

The military option they are advocating is totally counterproductive for any attack on Iran would swiftly destroy the US economy and lead to the simultaneous destruction of Israel.

You have my support for continued diplomatic negotiations as well as the de-escalation and removal of sanctions in order to gain Iran's compliance with IAEA inspections and conformity to the NPT.

Finally, you should strive to establish a WMD-Free Zone in the Middle East in order to comply with UNSC Resolution 687 of 1991.

As a matter of course, you should encourage the backing of the 44 Senators for the WMDFZ in the Middle East - an official bipartisan policy of the US government for the past 21 years.


Michael Carmichael

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