
Friday, June 15, 2012

(HERALD) Bennet exposes MDC-T plot

Bennet exposes MDC-T plot
Friday, 15 June 2012 12:00
Bulawayo Bureau

MDC-T’s animosity towards security forces has deepened with its treasurer-general and former Chimanimani legislator Mr Roy Bennett saying his party will remove the incumbent service chiefs from their positions if it assumes power.

MDC-T’s attitude towards the security forces has attracted widespread criticism with analysts saying this was a clear demonstration that the Western-sponsored party was there to promote the interests of the country’s enemies.

Echoing MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai’s sentiments, the self-exiled Mr Bennett wrote on his Facebook wall on Tuesday evening that he was compiling a register he termed a “Rat List” of security personnel who would not be part of his party’s “government”.

“I am putting together a ‘Rat List’ of those in the security services who have become political animals and who will be unfit to remain in their jobs in a new Zimbabwe.

“This list will be published in due course and updated where necessary,” said Mr Bennett, a senior member of the MDC-T.

“Those who have sold out the people and publicly declared loyalty to Zanu-PF will automatically be placed on the Rat List.”

[Because 'we all know' that the ZANU-PF does not represent the people. This is from the party that represents Anglo-American De Beers. Roy Bennett is a rank lying hypocrite, former Selous Scout and landowner. And he 'stands with the people' now. At least until he gets his giant estate back. Total scum. - MrK]

Mr Bennett mentioned Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander General Constantine Chiwenga, Police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri, Zimbabwe National Army Chief of Staff Major-General Martin Chedondo, Brigadier-General Douglas Nyikayaramba and Chief of Staff in charge of administration, Major-General Trust Mugoba, as his prime targets.

He also said another register would be compiled consisting of what he termed the “A List”.

“Another list, the ‘A List’, will incorporate those who have remained apolitical and professional.

“These officers, the true professionals, will be considered for promotions and will be eligible for all the other benefits that will accrue to the services in a democratic

Zimbabwe. The A List will remain confidential.

“I encourage those in the services to contact me and give me their recommendations on who should be on the ‘Rat List’ and who should be on the ‘A List’ ,” said Mr

Bennett, a former member of the Rhodesian army.

However, the MDC-T distanced itself from the issue.

“Any issue being circulated on the Internet cannot be considered as credible because anyone can create it and post it there.

The best person to talk to is the author and if he confirms that is when you can come to the party for comment,” said Mr Abednigo Bhebhe, the MDC-T deputy organising secretary.

Contacted for comment Zanu-PF Politburo member Dr Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, said Mr Bennett’s remarks were tantamount to treason and should be condemned in the strongest terms.

“We do not want to mince our words on this issue. What Mr Bennett is saying is tantamount to treason.

“He was part of the colonial regime that we fought and he has no right absolutely to comment on the armed services of the country,” said Dr Ndlovu.

“President Mugabe pardoned the former Rhodesians at independence but he is not repentant.

“He and his lot in the MDC-T are part of the Rhodesian regime special forces. What he is doing is abuse of the social media.

“It was people like Mr Bennett and his MDC-T who sent our names for travel bans and sanctions.”

Dr Ndlovu said Zimbabwe has the strongest security forces, comparable to none in the region since the days of the liberation struggle.

“We have the most committed and patriotic army and police force, which is second to none in Africa and for Mr Bennett to tamper with that is treasonous. The army is there to protect the country from imperialists and to safeguard its resources.

They should also access and benefit from those resources as citizens.

“Mr Bennett and his imperialist megaphones in the MDC-T are singing their masters’ song, which seeks to deny Zimbabweans their wealth.

“This is abuse of human rights that they are clamouring for. The imperialists are throwing spanners in our economy so that we become destitute and borrow from them. This is pure imperialist expansionism and we will not allow that.

“Our youths should also block such efforts. Mr Bennett must come here and face prosecution,” said Dr Ndlovu.

MDC-T is pushing for what it calls security sector reforms and its leader Mr Tsvangirai is on record threatening that his party will boycott the next election in protest against political statements by the security forces.

Service chiefs have, however, reiterated that they will not allow any leader to reverse the gains of the liberation struggle.

Last week, Maj-Gen Mugoba said the military establishment supported Zanu-PF policies of defending the country’s sovereignty and empowering ordinary Zimbabweans.

He said as the army, their duty was to safeguard the revolution and they would not respect any leader who does not cherish what the freedom fighters fought for.

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