
Monday, June 04, 2012

Kabimba stance on running

Kabimba stance on running
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Mon 04 June 2012, 06:59 CAT

THE Young African Leaders Initiative says it is disappointed with the systematic campaign by the PF to dissuade Zambians from supporting the presidential running mate clause in the draft constitution.

PF secretary general, Wynter Kabimba, recently argued that the running mate clause in the draft constitution was not conducive to political harmony in Zambia, learning from the Malawian experience.

Vice-President Dr Guy Scott also expressed reservations over the running mate clause's workability in Zambia.

But YALI board chairperson Andrew Ntewewe said the PF government promised Zambians a people-driven constitution and not a PF-driven constitution.

Ntewewe said the presidential running mate clause was progressive and had been the cry of many Zambians over the years.

"YALI takes cognisance of the fact that the submission of the presidential running mate has been very consistent and overwhelming in almost all constitutional review commissions that this country has had. If the constitution is truly people driven, then the cries of so many Zambian citizens on the presidential running mate clause must be heard this time around," he said.

"It is grossly unfair and dishonest on the part of the Vice-President to say that he doubts if the presidential running mate clause can work in Zambia, while at the same time saying the people will have to decide. We know this type of dribbling and would like to call on the Vice-President and the secretary general of the PF to keep their personal opinions to themselves instead of campaigning against the clause while at the same time pretending that they will respect the will of the people."

He said the current constitutional arrangement where the choice of vice-president was left entirely to the discretion of the president was too costly, seriously flawed and could be subject of abuse by the appointing authority.

"Firstly, it is a very costly exercise to hold presidential by-elections when there is a vacancy in Plot One due to incapacity, gross misconduct or death when the vice-president is just appointed. This government has been talking about reducing government expenditure and yet on the other hand, deny the clauses in the draft constitution that would help this country to reduce costs of running government business! What a paradox! These unnecessary by-elections can easily be avoided if the vice-president is elected by universal suffrage. Zambia needs to rationalise the use of public funds and improve our education and health infrastructure. Young people and citizens in general need to access social amenities like education, health, roads, shelter and food. People cannot eat elections," he said.

Ntewewe submitted that the presidential running mate clause would be helpful in dealing with issues of tribal and gender balancing.

He called on the technical committee drafting the constitution to clearly state in the constitution that when a vice-president is elected as a running mate to the president on a political party ticket he or she shall cease to be the vice-president if he or she resigns from the party, in which case the president would be required to appoint another person to be vice-president and the National Assembly shall by a resolution supported by votes of not less than two-thirds of the members of parliament, approve the appointment of the vice-president who shall serve for the unexpired term of office.

Ntewewe said this would help deal with the vice-president who may in the unlikely event be insubordinate to the president.

"All in all, the presidential running mate clause is very progressive and is really good for political harmony in Zambia. In supporting this progressive clause, YALI calls on all citizens to stand up en-masse to defend and agitate for this clause. We call on all civil society organisations to support this clause and remain vigilant and speak on behalf of the voiceless," said Ntewewe.

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