Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Namulambe urges NEC to support Nevers

Namulambe urges NEC to support Nevers
By Kombe Chimpinde
Tue 05 June 2012, 13:24 CAT

MMD election chairman Gabriel Namulambe says the party's National Executive Committee (NEC) should play a supportive role and not a controlling one to the new party president.

Commenting on calls by some members and sections of society for party president Pastor Nevers Mumba to get rid of leaders that were perceived to be corrupt, Namulambe, who supported his decision to set up an anti-corruption committee to detect corrupt elements in the party, said Pastor Mumba must be allowed to be guided by the constitution.

"We have got a party constitution. The convention is the organ that puts people in place. So we can't go against that," Namulambe said.

"There should be no political heavyweight this time around. We all have to work together as a team by supporting him because our aim is to get back in government."

And home affairs minister Kennedy Sakeni said Pastor Mumba would soon lose steam if he continued with his 'punch-for-punch' approach to politics.

"Politics is just not about talking. It's about what you can do to inspire the people you envisage to lead, not by way of attacks. Let us see how he sustains that programme of being critical every day," Sakeni said.

"He knows that himself. He can't manage. He is a small boy. Targeting the President Sata is a wrong way of doing politics. Those who want to listen to sermons can be attracted. Some of us worked with him for a few months closely and we know the type of character he is and when you look at the political standing of Nevers and that of our President surely, Nevers cannot stand up and measure up to even politician like me."

Sakeni also dismissed Luapula Province PF vice chairman Bernard Chisanga'a claim that the party in the province had gone to sleep.

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