
Friday, June 08, 2012

Offer constructive criticism, PF MP urges opposition

COMMENT - The MMD seized to be intellectually relevant the day they entered office back in 1992.

Offer constructive criticism, PF MP urges opposition
By Kombe Chimpinde
Fri 08 June 2012, 13:23 CAT

BAHATI PF member of parliament Harry Kalaba has urged opposition political parties to help the government deliver development by offering constructive criticism.

Kalaba said in an interview that it was disappointing that currently, there was no formidable opposition political party to offer constructive checks and balances aside from mere political rhetoric.

His comment comes in the wake of announcements by some opposition party leaders on their intention to petition the Chief Justice over the Director of Public Prosecutions Mutembo Nchito.

"On the one hand, they (opposition political parties) are saying President Michael Sata should not have set a tribunal, on the (other) hand, they are saying the President should constitute a tribunal to pave way for investigations, so which is which?" he asked.

Kalaba said politics which targeted personalities were detrimental to the development of the country.

"Some of the stories that have been published by the media against the DPP, you can tell that they are just being malicious," he said.

Kalaba urged opposition parties and leaders to embrace the spirit of dialogue and peace.

"My advice is they should help this country by offering constructive criticism, they should help this government by giving us advice on things that will build the country and not take us down," he said.

"What Zambians need are issues of bread and butter. How we can solve the issue of unemployment in this country? All that they (opposition parties) do is try to bring down a legitimate and warmly accepted government. Let them play clean politics. Let them not use personal hatred to drive an agenda."

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