
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

PF has done more talking than action on job creation - Caritas

PF has done more talking than action on job creation - Caritas
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Wed 13 June 2012, 13:24 CAT

SAMUEL Mulafulafu says the Patriotic Front government has done more talking than actual action on employment creation. And Non-Governmental Organisation Coordinating Council (NGOCC) board chairperson Beatrice Grillo says the PF government needs to be put on its toes so that it meets the demands and expectations of the people.

In an interview, Mulafulafu, the Caritas Zambia executive director, said the PF government was still struggling as there were many commitments it made during the campaigns that had not been sorted out.

"Especially the serious one is the issue of job creation. We still have many (people) roaming our streets and very little, if at all any, has been done to create jobs for the youths especially those that supported the PF in its campaign. That has been an outstanding issue for the youth for a long time. So for me the PF has been doing more talking on the issue of employment than in terms of action," he said.

Mulafulafu said people wanted to see more strategies from the government that enhance the creation of jobs, promoting investment - prudent investment that was managed properly and not to exploit but create genuine jobs of value.

He also said the opposition was trying its best to provide checks and balances in terms of ensuring the PF government was not left off the hook.

"It's exactly what the PF was doing in terms of checking the MMD and we expect the opposition to organise themselves and be stronger and really continuously raise issues of concern of governance on the way PF is managing the country," said Mulafulafu.

President Michael Sata recently said he was interested in creating permanent jobs and appealed for patience from people.

Meanwhile, Grillo said the PF started on a very good note but promises were made that had not been fulfilled.

She also said there was need for tolerance among political players in the country and called for separation of the government from the party.

She said tolerance was needed as democracy meant listening to all diverse views and allowing people to debate.

On the constitution, Grillo said there was need for a referendum.

"It must be done otherwise we are back to square one. For us a referendum is a must," said Grillo.

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