
Monday, June 25, 2012

'Politics not for those who want to make money'

'Politics not for those who want to make money'
By Agness Changala
Mon 25 June 2012, 13:25 CAT

THOSE who want to make money should not attempt to go into the military or politics, says General Malimba Masheke. And Gen Masheke says if the top leadership is careless and misusing public funds, even those who are under them will do the same.

Commenting on US military legal counsel Lt Col Sean Madden's statement that generals and commanders should endeavour to retire honourably by not engaging in things that can land them in jail, Gen Masheke, former prime minister in the UNIP government, said the military was a very honourable job.

He said the military was a supreme sacrifice, adding that those in service even swear to protect the country.

Gen Masheke said those in the military should not have cruel motives of making themselves rich at the expense of people they are supposed to serve.

Zambia's immediate former defence service chiefs are in court for alleged theft by public servant involving K1.5 billion.

Others before them, like Gen Geogiago Musengule, Wilford Funjika were convicted for corruption.

And General Masheke said he led a very exemplary life during the time Dr Kenneth Kaunda was president.

He said those who were under him whether in the political, military or any other leadership stayed clean following his example.

"But when we started having the regime of late president Frederick Chiluba, may his soul rest in peace, his style of leadership was misuse of public funds," Gen Masheke said.

He said as a result of Chiluba's leadership style, many people were still facing court trials.

Gen Masheke said some senior military officials under Chiluba started to steal for them not to be seen to differ with their commander-in-chief.

He said during his time, the army was looked at as something that was special for the nation and urged the political leadership to also change.

Gen Masheke said if the political leadership was crooked, the whole nation would be crooked.

He said if the country had a president and commanders stealing, every officer in the rank and file competed to steal.

Gen Masheke urged those from the political level down to all ranks and parastatals to go into business if they want to make money.

"If they want to join politics, they shouldn't come and make money but represent the people and fight for the rights of the people," he said. "So it's not only the military, it's leadership where people think that they have a chance to the Treasury and then they keep themselves rich."

Meanwhile, Gen Masheke advised the PF government not to do to the opposition parties what the MMD did to them.

He said the PF was doing to the opposition what was being done to it when they were in the opposition.

Gen Masheke said this in apparent reference to UPND cadres who he alleged were stopped from conducting a peaceful demonstration even when it was their right.

"The same things are repeating. Are we learning anything? I think we must make our democracy work," said Gen Masheke.

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