
Monday, June 25, 2012

Sata is a forgiving person - Mpezeni

Sata is a forgiving person - Mpezeni
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Mon 25 June 2012, 13:23 CAT

PARAMOUNT Chief Mpezeni says President Michael Sata is a merciful and forgiving person. And Paramount Chief Mberwa of the Ngoni people in Malawi says chiefs should be careful when dealing with politicians. Meanwhile, Eastern Province permanent secretary Hlobotha Nkunika says he is impressed with the unity that exists between Mpezeni and Mberwa.

During a memorial service for Mpezeni II, III, his wife and other departed members of the royal family at Feni on Saturday attended by all Ngoni chiefs, Mpezeni said he was praying for President Sata as he leads the country.

"President Sata is a merciful person…What is there is that when you are a leader, you should have a forgiving heart. Forgive your friends. If you do that it means your future is good. Others may think that 'Mpezeni what, what', no. I am with you. I have clocked 30 years on the throne from 19th June, 1982 and Dr Kaunda came to witness my installation," Mpezeni said.

He said he knew that God loved him because he had passed through a lot of things in the 30 years of being paramount chief of the Ngoni.

Mpezeni urged his subjects to maintain their tradition and culture.

He said the people should not think that the Ngonis were cruel going by the way they spear a bull during the Ncwala ceremony, a ritual that was also performed at the memorial.

And Paramount Chief Mberwa, who is regarded as Mpezeni's younger brother, said chiefs should be careful with politics.

He said chiefs should always work with the government of the day.

"If you don't work with the government and take another side, it means you are going to make your people suffer. The PS can agree with me that the chiefs Act of Zambia and Malawi are not different, if they are different it's because somewhere it's written Malawi or Zambia but the content is the same. Among the many laws in the chiefs Act state that 'a chief will remain a chief in the government of the day'. They say this because us as chiefs we complain to the government about the problems that our people face and the opposition cannot give anything but only the government can," said Mberwa.

And Nkunika said he was happy to learn that the Ngoni conquerors' strategy had now changed to intelligence because Mpezeni was emphasising the need for education in his area.

Nkunika said Mpezeni was sure of conquering poverty, hunger and all the offshoots of misery in his chiefdom through education.

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