Tuesday, June 12, 2012

(ZANU-PF) Sanctions hindering economic development

Sanctions hindering economic development
By Titus Magandi and Professor Tshuma

THE unjustified economic embargo imposed on Zimbabwe by the West and its allies has corroded and frustrated the country’s economic growth and those that called for them should now appeal to their masters and have them unconditionally removed as Zimbabwe needs to move forward, President Mugabe has said.

Addressing thousands of Zimbabweans who thronged the National Sports Stadium to celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of Independence in Harare last week, President Mugabe said the illegal sanctions were hurting the majority of the people and should be removed in toto, to allow for economic recovery.

He said frantic efforts to create the necessary climate for sustainable business were hitting a brick wall due to the existence of the illegal sanctions, adding that they should be called off as industry was failing to acquire standard equipment.

Cde Mugabe said industry was using obsolete equipment which cannot cope with production demands and technological advancements.

“Efforts to create the necessary environment for rapid and sustainable economic growth have been thwarted by the continued illegal sanctions imposed by Britain, the United State of America, the European Union and the other Western nations,” said Cde Mugabe.

“This has in turn frustrated the steady economic recovery efforts through impediments to Zimbabwe’s access to world commodity markets and critical concessionary funding facilities which are important for rehabilitating infrastructure, industry and the importation of essential industrial raw materials and spare parts.

“It is in this context that we call upon those responsible for imposing these sanctions to urgently remove them unconditionally.

“On this very important matter, we should speak with one voice as a nation,” he said.

He said the country must maintain the prevailing peace as the country is being gripped by election mood.

“Peace is an inevitable pre-requisite for sustainable development in the country for good elections.

“All forms of violence, all forms of fighting and all forms of struggle that are of violent nature should be by-gone.

“All violent activities must not be allowed to interfere and hinder our peace and unity in this free Zimbabwe, mufaro wedu ngauve uzere kwete kutambudzana,” said Cde Mugabe.

He said political campaigns must be done in a peaceful manner and must not disturb this year’s elections.

“Tiri kuendaka kuma elections gore rino. Nhamo dzatovamba nekuti tirikunzwa kuti hamuna kumira zvakanaka kumapato mazhinji mayererano nekuti ndiyani achakwikwidza pazvigaro zvakasiyana siyana.

“Hanzi ini handifanirwe kupikiswa.Hatidi izvozvo Uriani iwe?

“Izvozvo hatizvide zvachose. Ko inga VaMugabe vakazopikiswa wani?

“We must resemble the country’s independence within our political parties and people must be free to elect their leaders not to impose leaders for them,” he said.

Cde Mugabe said the Global Political Agreement (GPA) Principals were concerned with delays by the COPAC team which was tasked to come up with a draft for the country’s new constitution.

He said the issue of the new constitution is taking more time than expected.

“GPA principals are much worried by the delaying of the new constitution and now are demanding the draft constitution to come to us for review so it can be put before the people in a Referendum marking the beginning of a definite process towards general elections this year,” said Cde Mugabe.

Cde Mugabe said Independence Day should be for all Zimbabweans to reflect on the sacrifices made by the country’s gallant sons and daughters during the liberation war.

“Independence Day is one of the special indelible days in our history as a country, a day that cannot lose its importance, for it stands unchanging as a signal of our victory over imperialism, colonialism and racial subjection.

“Because of this historic day, first celebrated in 18 April 1980, our people cannot be regarded, much less treated as second-class citizens in their land anymore.

“We have transformed that political independence and raised it into the next step of economically empowering our people,” he said

President Mugabe said it is the duty of every Zimbabwean whatever his or her ethnic and cultural backgrounds to be the proud inheritors of the legacy of total sovereign independence, with all its freedom and ownership of natural resources.

This year’s celebrations were held under the theme ‘Indigenization and Empowerment for Social and Economic Transformation’ and were attended by diplomats and regional representatives of Defense Forces.

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