
Friday, June 22, 2012

There's need for more health funding - Wignaraja

COMMENT - Does she have the government's back when they raise taxes on the mines? We need a broad coalition with lots of cover.

There's need for more health funding - Wignaraja
By Angela Kabamba in Mongu
Fri 22 June 2012, 13:23 CAT

UNITED Nations Development Programme resident coordinator Kanni Wignaraja says there is need for the government to increase funding to the health sector in the 2013 budget to revamp the sector.

And Mongu district acting Medical Officer Namata Masialeti says the district has a challenge of transport and poor infrastructure. Wignaraja noted that most health centres in the country could not be easily accessed by the local communities due to poor road network.

She said this when she toured Namushekendi Rural Health Centre in Mongu on Wednesday.

"As much as government is making efforts to construct many rural health centres countrywide, there is need to concentrate much on transport and roads because without a good road network, the local community won't have access to the health centres," she said.

Masialeti lamented that the district also had a few motor bikes making it difficult for the medical staff to deliver health services to far flung places.

He said Namushakendi rural health centre also had no institutional houses for staff.

And Western Province Permanent Secretary Bert Mushala said the government had targeted most used rural roads to be worked on so as to improve the health, education and agriculture sectors in the province.

Wignaraja is in Western Province to familiarise herself to the challenges faced in the health, education and agriculture sectors.

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