
Friday, June 15, 2012

Young people in politics impress Scott

Young people in politics impress Scott
By Moses Kuwema
Fri 15 June 2012, 13:23 CAT

VICE-President Dr Guy Scott says he is impressed with the participation of most young people in politics.

Speaking on Wednesday when he addressed a public meeting at Mundalanga Basic School, Vice-President Scott said it was nice to see a lot of young people get involved in politics.

"Here is a young man PF candidate for Bozimu ward in the local government by-elections Morris Nkhata we have brought for you. Please support him," Vice-President Scott said.

Earlier, PF losing candidate for Chama South in the September 2011 elections, Gilbert Nyimbili said Chama had been sidelined in terms of development for too long.

Nyimbili said the people of Chama district had not benefited from successive governments and hoped that the PF would change the situation.

"We are very much sidelined in terms of infrastructure development and economic empowerment. We have no clinics, roads," he said.

And Nyimbili said the human-animal conflict in Chama was getting worse and asked the government to address the situation.

He also said the low cotton prices had caused so much suffering to the people in the area.

Cotton farmers and ginners have reached a deadlock over pricing of cotton for the last farming season, with the former pushing for a price of not less than K4,000 per kilogramme while the latter has offered K2,000 for grade A seed cotton.

Agriculture minister Emmanuel Chenda recently revealed that the government may intervene to come up with an appropriate price that would be acceptable to both sides.

However, the selling season for cotton is almost closing as it usually runs from early May to mid June, meaning cotton farmers may completely lose out this year, further depressing an industry that a few years ago nearly collapsed.

Vice-President Scott on Wednesday also said there is need to come up with an acceptable price for cotton so that ginners do not take advantage of the farmers because the proposed price for this marketing season was too low.

Meanwhile, Nyimbili assured Vice-President Scott that the people of Chama had shifted their support from the MMD to the PF.

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