
Monday, June 04, 2012

Zambia Sugar sit-in ends

Zambia Sugar sit-in ends
By Henry Chibulu in Mazabuka
Mon 04 June 2012, 06:58 CAT

Zambia Sugar Company in Mazabuka has resumed normal operations following an agreement between management and the National Union of Plantation and Agriculture Workers (NUPAW) to have the court case in the Industrial Relations Court withdrawn. Zambia Sugar Company sought court intervention immediately after the salary talks collapsed with NUPAW.

NUPAW Nakambala branch chairperson, Dominic Mukwita, said the withdrawal of the case by Zambia Sugar management meant that the union and management could now go back to the negotiations whose two previous attempts ended in a deadlock.

Mukwita said that consequently, the sit-in protest by unionised workers was called off to allow for final negotiations to be held in Lusaka this week.

"We can only hope that the new developments will result in the union and management completing the negotiating process to benefit unionised employees who have suffered psychological torture due to the delayed completion of salary talks. Management made it clear during our meeting that they are ready to negotiate in order to reach a common ground and we are happy," said Mukwita.

Last Friday, unionised workers temporarily switched off factory equipment thereby paralysing operations but quick action by management to call for an urgent meeting with the union helped to restore operations.

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