Sunday, June 17, 2012

Zambia Sugar workers get salary increments

Zambia Sugar workers get salary increments
By Henry Chibulu in Mazabuka
Sun 17 June 2012, 13:20 CAT

ZAMBIA Sugar Company and the National Union of Plantation, Agriculture and Allied Workers (NUPAAW) on Friday finally signed a collective agreement for improved salaries and conditions of services.

This is after six months of protracted negotiations that resulted in three deadlocks that led to the unionised workers going on an illegal strike.

The company has increased salaries for permanent workers by 15 per cent while seasonal workers will now receive 12 per cent salary increment backdated to April 1, 2012.

The lowest seasonal worker who gets K743,000 would now get home with K891,600 while the lowest permanent worker getting K1,300,000 would get home with K1,495,000 and the highest paid permanent worker receiving K2,900,000 would now get K3,335,000.

Education allowance has been increased from the current K793,000 to K1,200,000 per term for permanent workers while leave travel allowance has been adjusted upward from K1,900,000 to K2,090,000.

Company director Ian Parrott signed on behalf of Zambia Sugar Company while NUPAAW general secretary Godwin Mungala signed for the union during a signing ceremony which was witnessed by Information, Broadcasting and Labour Permanent Secretary, Amos Malupenga.

And Parrott expressed happiness that workers had finally returned to work and that production had started after days of non-production due to the industrial unrest.

However, Parrott said management was aggrieved by the conduct of unionised workers whom he said destroyed company property.

Parrott said management would exercise leniency but would review cases of misconduct by unionised employees in three categories.

Mungala said the union was happy that the collective agreement was signed after six months of struggle.

He also defended workers from the management's claims that unionised workers engaged in the burning of sugarcane fields at the company.

He said workers had assured him during the strike action that they remained committed in safeguarding company property and would not engage in the malicious burning of sugarcane.

Mungala also complained that unionised workers are worried that the company might fire them even when they did not take part in the burning of the fields.
And Malupenga said the signing of the agreement by both parties meant that a lot of progress had been achieved by both parties.

He said government was worried with the negative impact of the industrial unrest at the company because Zambia Sugar Company was an important component of the economy.

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At 9:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lowest worker of Zambia Sugar basic salaries is k2200 not that amount displayed up there.

At 8:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 2018 How much was a Basic Pay for Cane cutter

At 9:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much does the cane cutter gets


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