
Monday, June 11, 2012

Zulu urges increased fertiliser subsidy

Zulu urges increased fertiliser subsidy
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Mon 11 June 2012, 13:23 CAT

LUANGENI independent member of parliament Charles Zulu says poverty can meaningfully be reduced at household level if small-scale farmers access farming inputs. And Chipata East Block Agriculture Show Society chairperson James Mathotho says the PF government should consider increasing the fertiliser subsidy to eight bags per farmer.

Officiating at the Chipata East Block Agriculture and Commercial Show under the theme "Building on today's prosperity" at Kalunga Farmers Training Centre on Saturday, Zulu who is also energy deputy minister, said most of the poor yields by small-scale farmers could be attributed to the non-availability of farming inputs.

"However, I would like also to urge you farmers to equally adopt technologies that are conservative in nature so that the effect of high demand of fertiliser against what is available is reduced. As you are aware, our environment has changed over time due to climate change," Zulu said.

He said climate change was a matter that the farmers should learn to live with because it would remain there and had adversely affected them.

"We need to take up a wholesome approach in our farming if we are to remain productive. Climate change does not mean only having inadequate rains, but it can be late coming of rains, more than enough rains, drought or high temperatures. To this effect, crop diversification and conservation agriculture should be taken up seriously because these can help in adapting to climate change," Zulu said.

He encouraged the people to take keen interest in planting trees due to high deforestation owing to many developments that were taking place.

Zulu said cutting down of trees had greatly contributed to climate change.

He urged the farmers to extend their effort to livestock production.

Zulu also explained to the people the many developmental projects that were taking place in Luangeni.

And Mathotho appealed to the government to provide a market for crops other than maize.

He said Zulu, as area member of parliament, should play a key role in ensuring that the farmers had ready market for crops such as soya beans.

Mathotho further appealed to the government to work on the road network in the area.

"We would like you to continue with the good works you are doing, but being our parent, we also like to appeal to you to ensure that health centres that are under rehabilitation are completed. We would like to commend the government for the Fertiliser Input Support Programme. We asking government to increase the subsidy to eight," said Mathotho.

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