
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

(GLOBALRESEARCH) SYRIA: Politicized Decisions Adopted by UN Human Rights' Council Gave Green Light to Armed terrorists to Kill Innocent Civilians

SYRIA: Politicized Decisions Adopted by UN Human Rights' Council Gave Green Light to Armed terrorists to Kill Innocent Civilians
Global Research, July 18, 2012

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Syria underlined that the politicized decisions adopted by the Human Rights' Council and other organizations against Syria have given the green light to the armed terrorist groups to go ahead in the acts of killing against the Syrian people.

In a detailed report sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates to the UN Secretary General, Syria refuted the allegations included in the Human Rights' Council decision No. 19/22, asserting that the continuation in resorting to a biased, unprecedented approach by the Council will not contribute to achieving a peaceful solution to the crisis led by Syria, but it aims at complicating the situations and covering the support offered by Arab, regional and western states to the armed groups.

"Time has come for the Human Rights' Council and those who mislead it to abandon the accusations pointed to Syria and to direct these accusations to their right place; the armed terrorist groups which perpetrate acts of killing against the Syrian people, target the national interests in addition to its ignorance to the difficult impacts of 60 bulks of sanctions and coercive measures imposed by states that claim commitment to the Syrian people's rights," the Ministry said.

It wondered how would they justify preventing the caner medicines, included in the sanctions, from being exported to Syria.

[I don't know what 'caner medicines' are, but if the writer means cancer medication, clearly that is intended to kill Syrians. - MrK]

The report also referred to the Council's ignorance of the sanctions imposed on a number of Syrian media institutions.

The Ministry expressed the Syrian Government's hope that Ban Ki-Moon would be neutral and objective when dealing with the situation in Syria in a way that reflects the reality and contributes to reaching a solution based on the national dialogue among the Syrians, away from the foreign intervention in the Syrian internal affairs where some countries seek to prolong the scope of the crisis and destabilize the situation.

The report called for putting an end to the intervention of those countries in the Syrian domestic affairs and stop supplying the armed terrorist groups, which target the Syrians, with money, weapons, media and political coverage.

"What is happening in Syria is terrorist and criminal acts, killing civilians and destroying the private and public properties where the State is implementing its duty in preventing terror acts and protecting the Syrian people," the report added.

The Ministry concluded its report by saying that Syria has cooperated with the UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan and carried out a lot of the sides enlisted in his 6-point plan at a time when the armed groups and their supporters seek to foil his plan and obstruct the mission of the UN observers.

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