
Monday, July 23, 2012

(HERALD) Tsvangirai just a little Chiluba’

Tsvangirai just a little Chiluba’
Saturday, 21 July 2012 21:18
Sunday Mail Reporter

President Mugabe is “my elder, and I have got all the respect for him” while Prime Minister Tsvangirai is a “little Chiluba” who still has a long way to go in politics, Zapu leader Cde Dumiso Dabengwa has said.

He said if President Mugabe calls him for a meeting, he would oblige, while dismissing PM Tsvangirai as a good trade unionist who is not capable as a politician.
In an interview last Wednesday, Cde Dabengwa said: “Mugabe is my elder. He was my leader from the time of the NDP. I have got all the respect for him. “I have worked under him in Government, in the party and, if he called me for any discussion, I would certainly oblige.”

When he was asked about his views of PM Tsvangirai, Cde Dabengwa said: “I don’t like talking about other leaders. I had the privilege of meeting him (PM Tsvangirai) after the 2008 elections and I wanted to congratulate him on his effort and amongst other things he accused me of having done was that I frustrated his victory.

“I was very frank with him and said ‘Tsvangirai, I know you as a trade unionist and I will not argue about your capability as a trade union leader, but as a politician, I think you have a long way to go.

“This is why I said I would not want to support a situation where we would have a Chiluba coming into the government of this country. I said those words to him.”

Asked to explain whether he was equating PM Tsvangirai to former Zambian leader Frederick Chiluba, Cde Dabengwa did not mince his words:

“Chiluba was a trade union leader, so was Tsvangirai. All I was saying was yes, you might be capable and suitable as a trade union leader, but certainly you are not as capable on the political arena. Look at what Chiluba did, and that’s all I was saying.”

Also see

*The Zanu-PF ambush that never was

The former Zambian leader was accused of running down that country’s economy through corruption. He even appeared in court facing corruption charges.

Cde Dabengwa said he was not in a position to serve under a Tsvangirai administration, adding: “I have been a government minister for 10 years and for me that’s enough.

“I think I have made my contribution in the country, both during the liberation struggle and after, and any other contributions I would have to make I would have to consider very carefully, but I don’t want to be recycled.”

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