Sunday, July 01, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) Africa can only be developed by Africans-KK

Africa can only be developed by Africans-KK
TIME PUBLISHED - Friday, June 29, 2012, 10:02 pm

First Republican President, Kenneth Kaunda, says Africa will only be developed if Africans themselves take the lead.

ZANIS reports that speaking at the 5th graduation ceremony of Cavendish University in Lusaka this morning, Dr. Kaunda said the current economic dilemma of exporting raw materials is detrimental to Zambia’s interests and that it is unacceptable.

He added that tertiary education is critical to development and that the country needs professionals who are able to drive the economy to greater heights.

Dr. Kaunda also said education prepares people for roles in national development which leads to wealth and job creation.

The former first Republican President, who is also Cavendish University-Zambia Chancellor, urged the grandaunds to be selfless and compassionate in their service to the vulnerable and less privileged.

Dr. Kaunda implored them to add value to society and help combat alienation and estrangement, which he said have crept into the Zambian society.

The Former President also thanked the University’s Board of Directors, Staff as well as government for the support rendered to him in his capacity as Chancellor.

He further promised to work with government where possible to ensure some of the challenges the University is facing are addressed.

And Education Minister, John Phiri, said he is impressed with the many achievements the University has scored such as its steadfast growth and consistence, making it a household name.

Dr. Phiri re-affirmed government’s commitment to supporting private universities through such initiatives as Public Private Partnership (PPP) model.

He, however, bemoaned the poor state of public Universities such as the University of Zambia which he said have remained the same as Dr. Kaunda left them.

Dr. Phiri said there is competition for limited spaces at the University with its current 13, 000 students against its original capacity of 2000 students.

The Minister thanked the University for inviting him as guest of honour and called on Zambians to take University education seriously in order to develop the country.

Meanwhile, Cavendish University Deputy Vice Chancellor, Sekelani Banda, noted that the graduation ceremony was testimony of the University’s growth.

Professor Banda announced that Cavendish University has graduated a total of 1, 589 students.


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