
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) Government announces revised minimum wage

Government announces revised minimum wage
TIME PUBLISHED - Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 2:27 pm

Government has finally announced the revised minimum wages and conditions of employment acts for various categories of workers following the amendment of statutory instruments order 2011 No. 1 of 2011, order 2011 No. 2 of 2011 and order 2011 No. 3 of 2011.

Labor and Social Securities Minister Fackson Shamenda said at a media briefing in Lusaka this morning that this is in fulfillment of the Patriotic Front government’s promises of putting more money in people’s pockets.

The revision implies that wages for various categories have been revised upwards with domestic workers’ wages increased from K250 000 to K522, 400 with transport allowance inclusive.

Shop workers’ revised minimum wage is pegged at K1, 132, 400 with transport, lunch and housing allowances inclusive and that the wages will increase according to the grades of employees while the minimum wage of the highest grade in this category will be getting K2, 372, 519.

In the general workers’ category which includes receptionist and clerks among others, the minimum wage for category one workers is K1, 132, 400 while that of category five has been pegged at K2, 101, 039.

Mr. Shamenda said under this order, the lowest worker will be getting K1, 132,400.

He has since signed and issued statutory instruments No. 45 of 2012 for domestic workers, 46 of 2012 for general workers and 47 of 2012 for shop workers to effect these changes.

He says the changes are with effect from July 4th 2012 when the instruments were gazetted.

The minister said the statutory instruments cover vulnerable groups of employees who are not represented by unions.

Mr. Shamenda has further warned compliance to the amended statutory instruments is not optional and that defaulting companies risk facing the wrath of the law if found wanting.

He says the ministry will therefore intensify countrywide labor inspections to ensure total compliance.

The minister has further called on the media in the country to expose any companies that will not comply with the law adding that government will not condone victimization of workers.

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