
Thursday, July 05, 2012

MMD weakened the rule of law, says Musukwa

MMD weakened the rule of law, says Musukwa
By Allan Mulenga
Thu 05 July 2012, 13:24 CAT

THE MMD weakened the rule of law and destroyed institutions of governance to give themselves freedom to plunder national resources, says Richard Musukwa.

Commenting on MMD president Nevers Mumba's statement that President Michael Sata was still living in his past glory when he was opposition leader, Musukwa, who is mines deputy minister, said it was unacceptable and immoral for Mumba to attempt to transfer the blame over the difficulties the Zambians were going through to the PF, saying the party had only been in power for a few months.

"Nevers Mumba knows fully that the MMD weakened or destroyed institutions of governance, abused power and resources, held the media hostage and denied Zambians decent jobs and development. MMD spent their 20 years in government failing to do what they are now asking President Sata to do in just few months," he said.

Musukwa, who is also Wusakile PF member of parliament, said the PF government had already laid a strong foundation for development by taking a number of decisive steps.

"The PF has reinstated the Abuse of Office clause in the Anti-Corruption Commission Act to strengthen the law in fighting corruption, so as to ensure that resources are not abused but are channelled towards reducing poverty and accelerating economic growth and job creation," he said.

Musukwa said the MMD abused the public media and interfered with the independence of the media, including unjustified closures of radio stations that exercised their freedom and democratic rights.

"The PF government has allowed the media, public and private, to operate freely. The MMD refused to enact the Freedom of Information legislation, and even the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Act and the Zambia National Broadcasting Authority Act, because they knew that these laws would enhance the independence of the media," he said.

Musukwa said the PF government was aware that the MMD and Mumba were bitter because they were rudely interrupted from continuity to abuse national resources last September.

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