
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) New US envoy eyes 'peaceful' relations

COMMENT - New US ambassador, more of the same. "“The United States stands ready to alter the current restrictions on our relationship with Zimbabwe and to forge stronger economic and political ties,” he said." The 'current restrictions' include the credit freeze that destroyed the Zimbabwe Dollar (Section 4 C of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Democracy Act of 2001). Let's make sure that the ending of economic sanctions is not on the condition of handing over the mines to Anglo-American De Beers. Which is what the MDC wants.

New US envoy eyes 'peaceful' relations
16/07/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

ZIMBABWE has the foundations to build a "strong future", President Barack Obama's new man in Harare has told the US Senate while vowing to build "productive and peaceful relations with Zimbabweans of goodwill".

Nominated by Obama to replace the outgoing Ambassador Charles Ray, Bruce Wharton said he was looking to forge a “much more dynamic relationship with one of Africa’s most important countries.” He insisted that Zimbabwe’s problems over the last 15 years “should not obscure the nation’s tremendous potential”.

“Though battered by more than a decade of political strife and economic decline, Zimbabwe retains a foundational human and physical infrastructure upon which it can build a strong future,” he said.

“The people of Zimbabwe are fully capable of feeding themselves, meeting the nation’s health and education needs, building a dynamic political system, and restoring what was once one of the strongest economies in Africa,” he said.

“Zimbabwe can and should be a nation of economic opportunities of respect for the rule of law and the rights of all people. Those are values that reflect the core of what Americans share with Zimbabweans and that we should pursue together.”

Relations between Harare and Washington have been frosty since the US imposed sanctions on the country over allegations of rights abuses and electoral fraud. Harare denies the allegations and blames the sanctions for the country’s economic problems.

President Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF party also accuse Washington of pushing a regime change agenda in the country, a claim addressed by Wharton in his Senate address.

“U.S. policy in Zimbabwe is not about regime change,” he said. “Only the people of Zimbabwe have the right to change their government. Our policies support principles, not parties or people.

“However, when the right to self-determination is denied, as it has been in Zimbabwe through restrictions on citizen rights, through political violence, and fraudulent and mismanaged elections, the United States cannot stand idly by.
“We have taken principled steps to demonstrate our concern about the actions of those responsible for, and those who profit from, miscarriages of the promise Zimbabwe offered at independence.

“We will always stand up for the rights of Zimbabweans to speak, write, read, meet, organize, and fully participate in their nation’s political processes.”

Wharton said the US was ready to remove the sanctions and forge stronger economic and political ties with Harare.

“The United States stands ready to alter the current restrictions on our relationship with Zimbabwe and to forge stronger economic and political ties,” he said.

“The full implementation of the Global Political Agreement, progress on the Southern African Development Community’s roadmap toward elections and well managed and credible elections will be a trigger for the US to open a much more dynamic relationship with one of Africa’s most important countries.

“The United States remains open and willing to work with the government to support free and fairly elections.”



Its good sir you got some good schooling.My only fear is that you may have ended at schooling level, and thus may only judge "books" by covers that are presented. You need to go deeper and analyse things impartially, ipapo manje ndipo patinozoti mukoma "Afroboy" vakadzidza. Sanctions themselves are a silent war-which has caused a lot of untold suffering amongst Zimbabweans.Our country was sanctioned for implementing land reform-nothing to do with democracy. If id had anything to do with democracy,then countries like Egypt would have been sanctioned first but alas they were not because all these things have nothing to do with democracy but everything to do with protecting the geopolitical influence of big powers.

Thats very true Sir , sanctions are the worst war weapons ever unlashed on a people,unfortunately for the Zimbabwean its the second time around and inboth instance they have not achieved the intended results,Ambuya vangu kuMhandamabgwe has been the victim, they strengthened and enriched the Bennet and Smith RF, now vanaPombi yadhona MDC, in the current GNU are rich beyond measure, they would rather have the sanctions tarry a bit longer than go for early elections . You are very right the big powers are protecting their geopolitical influence, but then thats the name of the game daddy ,,,, ndivo mabigazi ,we are just pawns, ,,,asika Zapu ndizvo daddy

need i say anything else? This Afroboy is so obsessed with school that i'm tempted to think its the only decent thing that ever happened in his perveted life.

Remove Sanctions, end of story, simple.


No point making noises when yo f*ck up your own economy

Why do black people in Zimbabwe refer to or address white people as sir and their fellow black people as comrade or other worse names? Inferiority complex? Just asking, somebody tell me.

The words of the HISTORICALLY LYING pale devils ARE WORTHLESS!

If the white man is speaking, he's LYING & DECEIVING! That's his nature.

Awake and LIBERATED Africans do not need the puerile prognostication of a self-important pale devil on the future of Zim.
Zim Patriots already know what they need to achieve, and WILL achieve, for a Self-determined, Self-developed, Self-sufficient & Self-reliant Zimbabwe.

The ambassador only needs to keep in mind that HE IS A GUEST in Zimbabwe; because by default and from their hellish history on the African Continent, he's already viewed as a criminal colonialist and destructive imperialist.

Truth is: The Big Bones of Nehanda, and small bones too, WILL DO that which is in the best interest of Zim & Africans, regardless of the childish games of the destructive, pale homosexual devils
Hebert Chitepo

Didnt Zimbabwe suffer before sanctions?
Why remove them anyway?
Do you want to trade with the west now-the people you hate so much?
I thought we were gonna look east now and trade with China, and get the ever-needed AID from china.
Everyone claims they want to control their own economy- what have you got vanaGUGUDE zvenyu. What have you got? Talk is really cheap. Zimbabwe still gets billions in AID alone and some numpty is gonna talk-down on this? Shame maningi. Thing is UK,US,canada,etc etc are rich countries and its only normal they they will tend to negotiate in their own terms. If you got guts why not start by paying your house girl good money and not expoliting them? Hypocrits.
China is stronger as a nation(central gvt), you zoom into income per capita figures, you start to see an improving third world country.
Mazvi Kokota

Only the truth would set Africa free. It is about facing the evils from outside and within as they trully are.

The West needs to admit to their disadvantaging of Africa from before and also now as we go further, and work to correct the wrongs; trade barriers, resource grabbing, excessive remittance of money from Africa's resources, sponsorship of armed conflict, limited voting rights/influence in global institutions: International Courts, IMF & WB etc.

Africa needs to face the cancer within of; disunity amongst states, regions, tribes and religions; corruption by public officials and citizens as well (takes two to tango); lack of vision or the sharing and thus realisation of, properly leveraging Africa's unique position in being almost the exclusive custodian of many essential commodities for global industries. Also African states need a frank uninterupted sit down to discuss and thus make constitutions that cater to their people's wishes. Many things we should do for ourselves and not let foreigners come to Zimbabwe as if they are delivering civilisation. How could we make the same men make a false claim twice?

This man should come to a Zimbabwe that has already done or is doing the best it can for itself where his contribution is for what we can give for a fair return.

Its much better when the Americans send a Yankee for ambassador to Zim when compared to sending a former slave to come to Africa to teach the victims of slavery about the supremacy and righteousness of the slave master, its a mockery to human rights.

Mugabe is only interested in hanging on to power...full stop..if Mugabe had fixed the country no one would vi for his post...just a ruthless bugger...

Zimbabwe needs the same clear-sighted US policy articulated in George Kennan's 1947 "X" article. The sources of ZANU (PF)'s (mis-)conduct, and what that is, should be self-evident to all reasonable people. The US espouses democratic values and should NOT seek "peaceful coexistence" with ZANU (PF), but MUST make its destruction an imperative of its foreign policy. ZANU (PF) should NOT be seen as necessary to the political future of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe needs US Ambassadors with the balls to look ZANU (PF) in the eye and remaining standing. Christopher Dell and James McGee come to mind. Charles Ray could've been more forceful. One hopes Bruce Wharton will find inspiration in Dell and McGee.

''Zimbabwe's problems for the past 15 years...'' Yes Mr Wharton, you are right! Our problems started with the formation of the western backed MDC fronted by a perveted rough faced open zipped puppet!

Hope he mends bridges...

But the coalition government need support for it to fully implement the GPA. Why is that the British and Americans think that ZPF is the one responsible for implementing the agreement. What has the Americans and Britain done to strengthen this government which is representative of the broad mass of the population? Formation of the coalition government warrants the unconditional lifting of sanctions to allow for internal political dynamism, restoration of economic prosperity and facilitation of social cohesion. The fact that the sanctions should be removed after "Free and Fair" elections means that Americans and British have a sinister motive rooted in regime change.

Dai atochinja zita atonzi Babatunde rinemusoro, ketwe raakapihwa rehunhapwa nemangezi arikumusevenzesa.

Kungoti "NEW DIRECTION".Dai anenyadzi haimbosimudzamuromoiwoyo .Ziva zvawafambarira VAMUGABE VANOKUCHIPISA BVUNZA RAY ADZOKA ACHAPESWA.TURA ZVAKWO MWANA.


Thank God the Charlie has been recalled back, he was too biased, he had blinkers , he did not make a secret that he was pushing for a regime change, that he has failed is crystal clear, blocked by the SADC leaders because the leaders would not let a neo-fascist movement come into Power, that would have reversed the gains of African nationalisim .
We are now going back to the drawing board, I hope some voices of reason have prevailed , that without engaging one of the first five African Nationalisim Party, one of Zimbabwe,s liberating Party,Zapu, the task of regime change is not be possible.
I hope Mr Bruce Wharton will revisit the Zimbabwe/ Rhodesia 1979 era,when the then Carter Admin, reasoned logicaly not to lift or recognize the Internal Settelment,a black regime, because it did not include the two Liberating forces. The Sadc will definetly cooperate if Zapu is brought to the table.Zapu is the final solution to this jigsaw puzzle, The MISSING LINK ZAPU

Nothing about invading or taking over Zwe.Where does paranoid bizora and Jukwa get their bullshit...Free fair elections,no rigging or violence and much needed reforms then sanctions will be removed...would be nicer for them baboons to start using their brains for the 1st time..kusadzidza kunonetsa

kudzidza or not, we will fight on until we are left to chart our own destiny free of interference. Kuchikoro hatina hedu kuyenda but tirikungoraramawo nekufema mweya iwoyo wamungofemawo imi vacho vakadzidza! We will never grow weary or waver in our quest for total independence.
Joe Rug

Only Zanu Pf is the stumbling block to development.Without Zanu Pf,Zimbabwe stands a better chance of becoming the paradise of Southern Africa once again.Let's vote them out during the elections...."next year" of course!!


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