Sunday, July 22, 2012

PF is for all Zambians, says Sata

PF is for all Zambians, says Sata
By Mukosha Funga
Sun 22 July 2012, 10:40 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata yesterday said former president Rupiah Banda wants to divide Zambia on tribal lines. President Sata said he was disappointed with Banda's divisive schemes saying the manoeuvres by Banda to divide the people of this country by pitting different ethnic groupings against each other were highly regrettable.

President Sata was commenting on reports that Banda wanted UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema and MMD's Never Mumba to enter into an alliance but wanted Hichilema to lead the pact because he did not want a Bemba to rule again.

President Sata wondered why Banda felt it should be up to him to decide what race, tribe or region a president should belong to.

"The people of this country are united and have been living in harmony since the founding of the nation. It is therefore heartbreaking for my dear brother to try and incite any of the country's tribes against one another, to satisfy his personal bitterness and hatred for this administration," President Sata said.

"However, we are comforted because Zambians know Mr. Banda when it comes to tribalism. His record at NAMBOARD, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and as Lusaka District Governor speaks for itself. And it is this record that makes him feel at home when dealing with certain well-known tribally based political establishments in the country.

"The nation will appreciate that Mr. Banda has a lot in common with those who practice tribal politics. Firstly, Mr. Banda and his newfound friends sadly look at issues from an ethnic perspective. Secondly, they are very bitter about their heavy defeat in last year's general elections. Thirdly, these are driven by egos, greed and selfishness in their quest for power."

President Sata said it was a pity that Banda and his bedfellows were taking too long to heal from the wounds of their electoral defeat.

"They are in a perpetual desire for elections in their vain attempts to avenge their defeat. They are doing this at the expense of the very people they claim to want to serve," he said.

President Sata said unlike others, he was in politics to benefit the people of Zambia regardless of their status, tribe, race or any other classification.

"Therefore, the PF government shall not be dragged into these very personal tribal wars because PF is all-inclusive and belongs to all the people of Zambia wherever they are and wherever they hail from," President Sata said.

"As a government, we are preoccupied with efforts to fight corruption, reduce poverty, improve the performance of the economy and create decent jobs for all Zambians. No doubt, the corruption in Mr. Banda's administration was too much. As a result, Zambians have been calling for the lifting of his immunity but we will only do that once we have completed our duty to demonstrate to our people just how corrupt he was."

President Sata said government would concentrate on fulfilling its campaign promises and leave those obsessed with tribalism and bitterness to extricate themselves from those self-inflicted shackles.

"Our only hope is that they quickly outgrow their destructive type of politics and become a bit more useful to the country," said President Sata.

According to sources who are also closer to Banda, the former president told confidants that he wanted Hichilema who is UPND president and Mumba, who is MMD leader, to enter into an alliance to provide a formidable opposition to PF.

The sources said Banda had been courting Hichilema and told the UPND leader he would deliver Eastern Province to him.

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