
Thursday, July 19, 2012

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) Nguni on farmers

Nguni on farmers
Tuesday, 17 July 2012 10:09
Herald Reporter

FARMERS have been urged to use land fully by producing to the maximum to shame the country’s imperialists. Addressing hundreds of farmers during the Mhondoro South annual agricultural show last week, Mhondoro-Mubaira legislator Cde Sylvester Nguni said farmers should play their role in defeating the country’s detractors by being productive.

The show was held in preparation of the Harare Agricultural Show next month where provincial winners will showcase their products. Said Cde Nguni: “The country is under siege from Western forces and they want to ensure the country comes to a halt at all costs and everyone has to be ready to play a defensive role.

“It is only through massive production in our farms and fields that we can shame imperialists. We have to prove that we are one of the best farmers in the world by engaging in extensive farming.”

Cde Nguni, who is also Minister of State in Vice President Joice Mujuru’s office, said no one should be allowed to reverse the black empowerment drive.

“Its time we become masters of our own destiny. There might be disturbances from our enemies but lets remain resolute until we achieve our goal.

“Sanctions are affecting every sector but with hard work they will be a thing of the past. Let us not give anyone a chance to block our empowerement initiatives,” he said.

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