
Wednesday, August 01, 2012

(HERALD) Cracks emerge in MDC-T as succession politics rage on

Cracks emerge in MDC-T as succession politics rage on
Wednesday, 01 August 2012 00:00
Herald Reporter

SUCCESSION politics is threatening to tear the MDC-T apart as its leader, Mr Morgan Tsvangirai, is reportedly planning to handpick Mr Ian Makone as his running mate in polls ahead of senior party officials preferred by a majority in the party.

Mr Makone is PM Tsvangirai’s confidante, financer and secretary in his office.
Sources in the MDC-T say the majority of the people in the party want party deputy president and Deputy Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe and secretary general and Finance Minister Tendai Biti to be Mr Tsvangirai’s running mates.

They said Mr Tsvangirai preferred Mr Makone because he is believed to be a member of Mr Tsvangirai’s “kitchen cabinet”.

Mr Tsvangirai’s “kitchen cabinet” was a source of the party’s split in 2005 as some party senior officials led by the then secretary-general, Professor Welshman Ncube, felt that it was influencing the MDC-T leader to overturn decisions that would have been agreed in formal party meetings.

The party’s national executive has since endorsed the draft constitution, which has a provision that a presidential candidate in future elections should select a running mate who would eventually become Vice President if the principal candidate wins the polls. Other senior party officials that have been touted ahead of Mr Makone are national chairperson Mr Lovemore Moyo and national executive member, Mr Elias Mudzuri.

Party spokesperson, Mr Douglas Mwonzora, said it was up to the principal presidential candidate to select a running mate of his choice. He, however, said Mr Tsvangirai had not selected his running mate because the draft constitution had not yet been adopted as the country’s charter.

“The decision to choose a running mate lies with the presidential candidate and other internal processes of a political party. It is like the prerogative by a president to appoint a minister,” said Mr Mwonzora who is also Copac co-chairperson.

“It is up to (MDC-T) president Tsvangirai to choose a person he wants when the time comes.”

Asked if it was fair for a presidential candidate to appoint a person with no support in the party as his running mate, Mr Mwonzora said: “That is why the running mate is made known to the country so that the popularity or lack of it affects results. The choice of a running mate affects how the principal candidate will fare in the election.”

The choice of running mate is set to further plunge the already heavily divided party further as most party officials wanted Ms Khupe and Mr Biti.

Sources said Mr Tsvangirai’s choice of Mr Makone were an indictment of his preference on who should eventually take over leadership of the party when he leaves.

The subject of running mates was not openly discussed during last week’s meeting but murmurs could be heard on possible candidates, according to sources.

Some could be heard whispering that it should be brought to the fore for discussion.
Mr Makone, according to sources, has no roots in the party but enjoys close relations with Mr Tsvangirai.

“Makone is not even in the top hierarchy like the Standing Committee, the party’s highest decision making body,” said one senior party official.

Those who are fighting in Mr Makone’s corner argued that Ms Khupe is a discredited running mate candidate following reports that more than 200 party supporters in her Makokoba constituency in Bulawayo defected to the MDC led by Professor Welshman Ncube.

They have since been agitating for the investigation of Ms Khupe, who is accused of having fallen out of favour with some party officials in her constituency. Mr Tsvangirai has already showed his preference for the Makone family after nominating Mrs Theresa Makone for a Cabinet post at the inception of the inclusive Government.

Mrs Makone, wife to Mr Makone, was subsequently appointed Public Works Minister by President Mugabe, and later on re-assigned as Co-Minister of Home Affairs, taking over from Mr Giles Mutsekwa.

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