
Saturday, August 11, 2012

(HERALD ZW) Tsvangirai ambushes Zanu-PF

Tsvangirai ambushes Zanu-PF
Saturday, 11 August 2012 00:00
Herald Reporter

MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai has reportedly ambushed Zanu-PF by taking a copy of the draft Constitution to regional leaders and presented it as the agreed document by all parties in the inclusive Government.

Sources close to the matter said the MDC-T leader presented the document to incoming Sadc chairman and Mozambique leader, president Armando Guebuza during his recent visit to that country this week.

He also took the document to Tanzania, where he advised the incoming Sadc Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Co-operation chairperson president Jakaya Kikwete on the so-called final position.

Mr Tsvangirai’s deputy, Ms Tokhozani Kuphe, also reportedly presented the draft constitution to Zambian officials.

Said the source: “Before even Zanu-PF finished auditing the draft Constitution, Mr Tsvangirai was already telling regional leaders that all the parties are agreed on the matter. He wants to manipulate Sadc leaders ahead of the Sadc Summit in Mozambique. He is ambushing Zanu-PF ahead of the summit.”

Recently the MDC-T leader embarked on what his party called a diplomatic offensive where he met Sadc leaders ahead of the summit.

Zanu-PF spokesperson, Cde Rugare Gumbo, yesterday said the MDC-T was displaying the highest levels of political immaturity. He said Mr Tsvangirai’s actions showed that he does not take national politics seriously.

“His actions show political immaturity that we have always been talking about . . . he over simplifies issues . . . this is unbelievable. They do not understand the dynamics of politics. They think Sadc is just going to accept their position. They think Sadc leaders are gullible,” he said.

Also see

* MDC: Futility of reinventing heroism
* Analysts scoff at PM’s ‘diplomatic offensive’
* Zanu Ndonga blasts Tsvangirai
* Sithole’s son attacks MDC-T over memorial service
* Morgan a master of reverse politics

Cde Gumbo said there was no need for the MDC-T to take the document to Sadc leaders because Zanu-PF did not agree with so many issues contained in the draft.

“Its premature to take the document to Sadc because there are so many defective issues in that document that Zanu-PF does not agree with. The principles have to agree . . . the problem is the MDC-T wants things to be done its way,” he said.

MDC deputy spokesperson, Mr Kurauone Chihwayi, said it was wrong for the MDC-T leader to take the draft constitution to Sadc leaders before it was taken to the people.

“We believe Sadc has to be brought in when there is a deadlock . . . no deadlock has been declared and we do not understand why the MDC-T has decided to do that.

“The document has to be taken to the people first — the All Stakeholders Conference, not Sadc. It’s the people here who are going to say YES or NO,” he said.

However, Mr Tsvangirai’s spokesperson, Mr Luke Tamborinyoka, dismissed reports that his party took the draft constitution to Sadc leaders.

“Why would we take the document to Sadc leaders when we are fully aware that it is still under discussion. It is Zanu-PF that does not have a position. This constitution is for Zimbabweans not for foreigners,” he said.

Asked what was the agenda of his leader’s visit to Sadc countries, Mr Tamborinyoka said: “We went to speak about our position to Sadc leaders. It was a private visit and we cannot tell you.”

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