Sunday, August 26, 2012

(HERALD ZW) ‘West uses hunger to stir unrest’

‘West uses hunger to stir unrest’
Saturday, 25 August 2012 00:00
Sydney Kawadza Assistant News Editor

RETROGRESSIVE forces use hunger to destabilise governments in Africa, Lesotho Prime Minister Thomas Mothoahae Thabane has said. Officially opening the 102nd Harare Agricultural Show yesterday, PM Thabane said food was being used to cause unrest in poor countries in Africa.

“History has shown us that there are some of us who use hunger and poverty as a weapon to subdue those who are less fortunate. “No individual, community or country can embrace peace and democracy on a hungry stomach.”

He said the Harare Agriculture Show was important for Zimbabwe because it promoted development.

“Food is the most basic of human needs. Everybody must have a full stomach before they can think of anything else.” He quoted a famous saying in Sesuthu that the worst enemy of man is hunger.

“Zimbabwe must produce the food that is needed by Zimbabweans and Zimbabweans must learn to consume and prioritise its goods and products.”

PM Thabane said a nation that did not produce its own food could not claim dignity.
He said countries would be vulnerable to political manipulation by richer and more developed countries.

He urged Zimbabwe and Lesotho to add value to their primary products for trade with other countries.

Zimbabwe, he said, was doing itself a great favour by making popular its products through the agricultural show.

He hailed President Mugabe as a visionary leader and urged other Sadc leaders to emulate him.

“Next year, when you organise another agricultural show . . . please allow me to send as many as possible of the Lesotho farmers and business persons to Harare to learn from you the good work that is done by the Zimbabwe Agricultural Society,” he said.

He said the agricultural show provided the right platform for training farmers and exchanging ideas.

PM Thabane also praised Zimbabweans for being resilient against colonialists and neo-colonialists.

“On behalf of the people of Lesotho I would like to pay tribute to the resilient people of Zimbabwe.

“Under colonialism your heritage was stolen. Your farmland resources were usurped and you as a people were subjected to brutal political and economic exclusion, but because of your resistance and strong will for self-determination you stood your ground, fought and defeated colonialism.”

He said the independence did not please many people, resulting in obstacles being thrown against Zimbabwe.

“Sanctions were imposed. Your country was subjected to destabilisation and your leadership was vilified and demonised.’’

He urged Zimbabwe to reject any imposed solutions its problems.

“We have learnt about the relaxation of sanctions by countries of the European Union, but we continue to call for the total lifting of all sanctions against this sisterly country.

“I repeat, we continue to call for the total lifting of sanctions against this sisterly country.”

He commended President Mugabe for bequeathing a legacy for Zimbabwe’s current and future leaders.

“The personal sacrifices and contribution that he has made to the liberation of Zimbabwe from colonialism is a matter of historical records.”

President Mugabe has since independence stood as an “unassailable giant” after asserting Zimbabwe’s sovereignty through redistributing land to the people.

“The people of Zimbabwe chose the right leader at the right time. I do not know why I think so.

“A leader courageous and strong enough to withstand the pressure unleashed by those who wanted to prove that his decisions in defence of the aspirations of the people of Zimbabwe were wrong and ill-advised.”

He said Zimbabwe had gone through economic difficulties, but the region now admired the solid foundation for economic development.

PM Thabane hailed the political leadership for uniting for the development of the country.

“We in this region pray to God that after he has put the current political problems in Zimbabwe behind, President Mugabe can devote his time to the Sadc region.”

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