
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

JCTR calls for compliance with law in airing views

JCTR calls for compliance with law in airing views
By Fridah Nkonde
Tue 28 Aug. 2012, 10:30 CAT

JCTR has advised Zambians not to break the law in their quest to have their views heard. In an interview, Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection programme manager Geoffrey Chongo also said it is not a must that the government must always go by what people suggest because those in government also have a plan.

Chongo said although there was need for the government to exercise tolerance all the time, there was also need for people not to break the law.

"Every ruling party is supposed to exercise tolerance if development is to take place in a country. But a government being open-minded it does not mean that people should break the law; everything has to be done within the confines of the law," he said.

Chongo said since the PF were in government, they had all the rights to do what they thought was right for the country's development.

He said it was important for any government to embrace tolerance and avoid shooting down people's views.

Choongo said the government was expected take time to listen to whoever had opposing views concerning any issue.

"Government should not think that those with opposing views don't mean well for the country. They should give them space to speak out and bring out their own views. Government always has a choice whether to go by what someone is suggesting or not. But government should also be careful not to ignore people's views because those are the same people who would make them lose an election," he said.

Chongo said the PF had tried to give people space to express their opinions but had at times come out very strongly on certain issues.

"They should get used to it because people will continue giving suggestions to government. We are in a multiparty system. I remember when people accused the PF of failing to fulfil their campaign promises, President Sata said he needed evidence on what they had failed to do and asked people to give suggestions," said Choongo.

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