
Friday, August 03, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) MMD and PF will never match infrastructure development under UNIP reign

MMD and PF will never match infrastructure development under UNIP reign
TIME PUBLISHED - Friday, August 3, 2012, 10:45 am

United National Independence Party (UNIP) President Tilyenji Kaunda says the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) did not exhibit Christian values during its twenty year rule because abuse of authority and misapplication of funds was the order of the day.

Mr Kaunda observed that a number of irregularities in the use of public resources were reported in the Auditor General‘s report each year adding that some went scot free.

He commended the Patriotic Front (PF) government for exposing the MMD corrupt ways of governing the country.

Mr Kaunda was speaking when he officially opened the UNIP audit and mobilization meeting at Fern Guest House in Chipata yesterday.

“A lot of money went missing from government coffers, yet very little was done to curb the situation,’ he said.

Meanwhile, UNIP Vice President Njekwa Anamela said the MMD has nothing to show for its twenty year rule of the nation.

Mr Anamela said the MMD failed to deliver to the people of Zambia during its tenure and noted that last minute efforts to construct and rehabilitate roads failed because the party was already out of favour hence its losing the election.

He boasted that the MMD and the ruling PF have never and will never match what UNIP did in infrastructure development.

“Our party has a track record that will never be matched by even the PF which has already exhibited an incoherent manner of governing,” he said.

And Mr Anamela said there was need to have good agriculture policies that will motivate farmers in the country.

He stated that the capitalist way of thinking that the forces of demand and supply determine prices of products will lead to an economic downfall.

“Government should not allow farmers to be subjected to poor market prices of cotton on pretext that prices are determined by demand and supply,” he said.

The UNIP Vice President stated that it is sad that farmers who account for more that 50 percent of the Zambian population have been denied and government should have considered addressing the cotton issue.


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