
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) Census results by year-end: Biti

Census results by year-end: Biti
28/08/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

FINANCE Minister Tendai Biti said Monday the just completed census "was a success" adding results were expected at the end of the year. The enumeration exercise began on Aug 17 and was due to be completed on Monday. Biti said about 98 percent of households had been counted in the census as of last weekend.

"As of Sunday enumeration was on course and our staff on the ground had covered 98 percent of the ground. Results will be released either at the end of the year or early next year," Biti told reporters in Harare.

The United Nations Population Fund released US$12 million for the exercise while the government came up with US$8 million for payment of the enumerators.

“As of today (Monday) we will release US$8 million to Zimstat so that enumerators are paid,” Biti said.
At least 30 000 enumerators, mostly drawn from the education sector, took part in the population count.

The census was initially marred by disturbances when thousands of prospective enumerators wishing to take part in the process jostled at various centres countrywide to take part in the process.

Late disbursement of materials as well as transport shortages also affected deployment of some officers to remote areas.

Zimbabwe has successfully conducted population after every 10 years since 1982.
The other censuses were held in 1992 and 2002 with the last count putting the country’s Zimbabwe's population at approximately 14 million people.

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