
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) Mugabe claims UK, US plot to cause army mutiny

Mugabe claims UK, US plot to cause army mutiny
Defence Forces Day ... Prime Minister Tsvangirai (R) with his deputies Khuphe and Mutambara
14/08/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

BRITAIN and the United States of America tried to incite a mutiny by Zimbabwe’s armed forces through the imposition of sanctions, President Robert Mugabe said on Tuesday.

But Mugabe said Zimbabwe’s military had stayed loyal by becoming an “active agent in coming up with reliable defence mechanisms... and responsive solutions to such unjustified and provocative manoeuvres in the internal affairs of a sovereign state.”

Speaking at the National Sports Stadium during celebrations to mark Defence Forces Day, Mugabe said western sanctions on Zimbabwe had weakened the economy and forced cuts to the defence budget.

The sanctions were designed to squeeze the Zimbabwe government and trigger disaffection within the ranks of the military, Mugabe told the gathering which was also attended by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

“However, these sinister manoeuvres were successfully resisted thanks to the combined effort, grit and resilience of the people of Zimbabwe, the defence forces, other law enforcement agencies and the country’s political leadership,” Mugabe said.

“I want to appeal to the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, other security organisations and all progressive Zimbabweans to remain focused, loyal and patriotic to the noble spirit of jealously defending Zimbabwe and its rich natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations.

“We should join hands to resist the unjustified plunder of our resources by undeserving foreign forces that come to us like friends in the name of democracy and globalisation, yet they harbour sinister ulterior motives.”

The United States imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe in 2001 and the European Union followed a year later, accusing Mugabe – who has ruled Zimbabwe since 1980 – of human rights abuses and election fraud.

[And a presence in the DRC, which is ironic because Zimbabwe was in the DRC through SADC, to protect the official government of the DRC against overthrow by factions sponsored by the USA and UK. Those UK backed factions won when they assassinated the head of state, Laurent Kabila, to the day Patrice Lumumba was murdered. But really, they are afraid the people of Africa are going to get their land back. Zimbabwe - always revolutionary. - MrK]

Mugabe denies the charges and instead accuses former colonial power Britain of forming an international alliance against Zimbabwe as a response to his land reform programme which saw the forcible take-over of farms from white land owners to resettle landless blacks.

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