
Tuesday, August 07, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) Zanu PF to reject draft constitution

Zanu PF to reject draft constitution
06/08/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

THE Zanu PF politburo will likely reject the draft constitution when it meets Wednesday to finalise its position on the document, state media reported Tuesday.

The politburo has been discussing the document over the past two weeks with reservations becoming more pronounced despite an earlier claim by negotiator and Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa that the party was happy with 97 percent of the draft.

An unnamed senior party official told The Herald Monday that the draft was “organically unacceptable and Zanu PF (would) not be pushed to endorse it without amendments”.

Politburo member and Tsholotsho North MP Jonathan Moyo explained last week: "If you ask what is it that is in the draft that raises problems... I am tempted to say everything. But if I say that it has 18 chapters, but I can tell you that each of the 18 chapters has a problem.

"This draft is an attack, quite a serious attack on our sovereignty, quite a serious attack on our democracy. It strips the executive of all powers and leaves it as a clerical branch of government.”

The party has already said it would propose amendments to provisions relating to the appointment of provincial governors, the establishment of the constitutional court as well as the tenure of the inclusive Government.

Officials also claim that the draft fundamentally differs from national reports which contain public views gathered during the national outreach programme and accuses coalition partners of smuggling some issues into the final draft.

“We are sticking to what people have said and you will notice the difference,” party spokesman Rugare Gumbo said.

“We certainly hope to finish with the draft on Wednesday because we are left with compiling and editing what we have said.”

Gumbo dismissed accusations by the MDC parties that his party was stalling the finalisation of the Constitution-making process by taking “too long” to come up with its position.

“They want us to agree to something which is unacceptable. It is childish to do that because we are talking about a Constitution for generations to come,” he said.

“We cannot commit ourselves to positions which are untenable. Their position is children’s play and they are not serious. They are playing student politics.”

Paul Mangwana who represents Zanu PF on the Parliamentary Constitutional Select Committee added: “As a party we are still looking at the document and no one should rush us because this is an important document that will govern the people of Zimbabwe.”

The MDC parties have since endorsed the draft and claimed Tuesday that Zanu PF was now delaying the constitutonal reforms.

“We have no problem with the document, but we are deadlocked because Zanu-PF is yet to tell us its position,” said MDC representative Edward Mkhosi.

“For us to make future plans there should be consensus which is not there at the moment. We are waiting for Zanu PF to finalise then we talk of the next stage,” he said.

MDC-T spokesperson Douglas Mwonzora added: “Copac should come up with proposals and then a Project Board meeting that consists of Government and donors takes place. But as it stands Zanu PF has on three occasions postponed the meetings.

“We are held at ransom by Zanu PF. We also have areas that we need to be tightened, but we have negotiated for long and should leave for the people to decide,” he said.

The document will go to a referendum vote, most probably in October, and is a key reform demanded by regional mediators ahead of polls to end the uneasy ruling coalition between Zanu PF and the MDC parties.

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